Agenda item

Draft West Suffolk Councils' Annual Report (2018-2019)

Report No: OAS/WS/19/002


The Leader of the Council, Councillor John Griffiths has been invited to the meeting to present the report to the Committee.



[Councillor Diane Hind left the meeting at 6.30pm during the consideration of this item, and prior to the vote being taken.


Councillor Ian Shipp left the meeting at 6.55pm during the consideration of this item, and prior to the vote being taken].


The Leader of the Council, Councillor John Griffiths thanked the Committee for the opportunity to present Report No: OAS/WS/19/002, which outlined the draft West Suffolk Councils’ Annual Report (2018-2019), and was before the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for their comments.


This was the final report of Forest Heath District Council and St Edmundsbury Borough Council working together as West Suffolk councils.  2018-2019 saw years of hard work by both members and officers come to fruition with the establishment of a new West Suffolk Council, putting us in pole positon for the future to face challenges and seize opportunities.  It reported retrospectively on achievements over the financial year 2018-2019, and therefore referred to the “councils” throughout.  In 2019-2020 the Leader looked forward to presenting the first West Suffolk Council annual report.


The draft West Suffolk Councils’ Annual Report (Appendix A) before the Committee, highlighted the key activities and developments that had been achieved over the financial year 2018-2019, with regard to the priorities set out in the West Suffolk Strategic Framework 2018-2020.  The draft report contained a number of case studies and examples from West Suffolk to illustrate the achievements described.


The Leader then highlighted relevant issues for the attention of the Committee, such as West Suffolk continuing to develop a strategic partnership with the Cambridge and Peterborough Combined Authority.  Discussions were underway with the Combined Authority examining the opportunity to bring the Cambridge Autonomous Metro (CAM) to both Haverhill (estimated 2025) and Mildenhall (estimated 2028).  The CAM would provide a rapid mass transit solution between areas of West Suffolk and Cambridge, connecting people to jobs, housing and educational opportunities.  He explained that there was no doubt that in West Suffolk we were the envy of many parts of the country.  We were a national leader in our ability to deliver to high quality services for the communities we serve whilst being able to invest in housing and businesses to encourage growth and prosperity.  From talks with Government and other councils, we were seen as innovators in how we deliver better outcomes, both socially and financially for our residents.


The Leader wished to thank all members and staff who had not only shared our ambitious vision but were making it a reality.  This was a team effort across parties and even council and organisational boundaries.


The Committee examined the document in detail and particular comments were made on the following areas of the draft Annual Report:


(1)         Page 27: Parks and green spaces: officers agreed to look at adding reference to bio-diversity in its parks, in this section.


(2)         Page 43:  Anglia Revenues Partnership: officers agreed to reword this section.


Detailed discussions were also held on the following areas of the draft Annual Report, to which the Leader of the Council provided comprehensive responses as follows:


The Chair stated that whilst recognising that this was a retrospective report, it looked a bit “light” on climate change, and questioned what initiatives were being proposed for the first year of the West Suffolk Council and how could communities assist in promoting these initiatives. 


In response the Leader made reference to electric charging points; solar farms and the former Forest Heath District Council being carbon neutral.  He explained that Cabinet was currently working on the Terms of Reference for the Climate Change Task Force Group, which would be looking at a variety of issues, including parking which was linked, and hoped the Overview and Scrutiny Committee would get involved with the Climate Change Task Force Group.  Also the Council was working hard with the Local Enterprise Partnership, who had taken on the Green Agenda. 


In response to a question raised about what priorities would the Leader change, he explained that the council will review and consider its priorities over the next few months.  The Leader expressed the hope that all Councillors would get involved in developing new priorities and a new strategic plan. 


In response to a question raised regarding fly-tipping and the need for prevention rather than cure, members were informed that the council had recently prosecuted an offender and explained the process of having to have clear evidence to ensure a successful prosecution. 


Members also discussed solar panels on social housing, parish conferences; reviewing locality budgets; community awards certificates; crucial crew; working in partnership with Suffolk County Council and town/parish councils; and the role of registered social landlords and ensuring the right houses were being built.


The Leader of the Council wished to thank the Overview and Scrutiny Committee for scrutinising the draft Annual Report and for their comments.


It was then proposed by Councillor Paul Hopfensperger, seconded by Councillor Mike Chester and with the vote being unanimous, it was:




That the Draft West Suffolk Annual Report 2018-2019, attached at Appendix A to Report No: OAS/WS/19/002 be approved, subject to comments made during the meeting.


Supporting documents: