Agenda item

Proposal to Establish a West Suffolk Environment and Climate Change Taskforce (Report No: CAB/WS/19/016)

Report No:   CAB/WS/19/016

Portfolio Holder: Cllr John Griffiths           Lead Officer: Jill Korwin


RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL (17 September 2019):


That a Climate Emergency be declared.







(1)     the establishment of a Cabinet Taskforce to make recommendations on West Suffolk Council’s approach to protecting and enhancing the environment and addressing climate change, be agreed; and


(2)     the Terms of Reference for the Taskforce, attached as Appendix A to Report No: CAB/WS/19/016, be approved.



The Cabinet considered this report, which sought approval for the establishment of an Environmental and Climate Change Taskforce, and it’s associated Terms of Reference (ToR).


Councillor John Griffiths, Leader of the Council, drew relevant issues to the attention of Cabinet, including that at the Annual Meeting of Council held on 22 May 2019, he had announced that he would be proposing to set up two taskforces, one of which would be requested to look at ways in which the Council could improve on its current and previous actions taken to mitigate the effects of adverse environmental factors and climate change.


The report before Members at this meeting contained proposals for the ToR for the Environment and Climate Change Taskforce that had been announced at the Annual Meeting. In summary, the Taskforce would aim to ensure that the Council used the opportunity to review and assess its existing activities and future opportunities in response to increased societal awareness of environmental issues. The Taskforce would explore how the Council could enhance its environmental stewardship, recognising the need for balance with other urgent social and economic priorities.


Councillor Griffiths made reference to the motion on notice presented to Council on 16 July 2019.  In accordance with the Constitution, the matter had been referred to the appropriate forum (which in this case was Cabinet), without debate, as if carried, the motion was likely to have budgetary implications. Councillor Griffiths reiterated how the motion was welcomed, including its aims to take appropriate action, the details of which would help inform the work of the taskforce.  The ToR for the Taskforce had been produced to include much, if not all, the targets of the motion.  Group Leaders had previously been asked to comment on the draft ToR and to date no changes had been proposed. 


It was anticipated that initial findings and feedback from the Taskforce would be presented to Cabinet in autumn 2019, with final recommendations coming forward in 2020.


Councillor Griffiths then responded to previous requests for a Climate Emergency being called for the whole of Suffolk. He proposed an additional recommendation for the Cabinet to recommend to West Suffolk Council that it declares a Climate Emergency.  Acknowledgement was given to how West Suffolk would specifically play its part, including what exactly calling a Climate Emergency in West Suffolk would actually mean, and more importantly, the action needed to be taken to make a significant difference.


The Cabinet welcomed the proposals, including the additional recommendation. Members recognised the environmental work and activities already carried out within the Council and in partnership with other organisations, and acknowledged that further action could be taken in this area through the work of the Taskforce, in accordance with its proposed ToR.


In response to a question, Members were informed that the areas of focus for the Taskforce had been drawn from the Government’s 25 year Environment Plan, as stated in the proposed ToR. This was making reference to the document itself and did not necessarily mean that mitigating action in respect of the areas listed would take 25 years for the outcomes to be achieved.  



RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL (17 September 2019):


That a Climate Emergency be declared.







(1)     the establishment of a Cabinet Taskforce to make recommendations on West Suffolk Council’s approach to protecting and enhancing the environment and addressing climate change, be agreed; and


(2)     the Terms of Reference for the Taskforce, attached as Appendix A to Report No: CAB/WS/19/016, be approved.


(Councillor Karen Richardson left the meeting during the consideration of this item.)


Supporting documents: