Agenda item

West Suffolk Parking Review 2019

Report No: OAS/WS/19/005


[Councillors Simon Brown, Patrick Chung and Simon Cole all arrived at 5.15pm during the consideration of this item, and prior to the vote taking place].


[Councillor Ian Shipp arrived at 5.40pm prior to voting taking place on this item].


The Committee received Report No: OAS/WS/19/005, presented by the Service Manager (Operations) on behalf of the Cabinet Member for Operations asking the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to commission a review of parking in West Suffolk; and sought the establishment of a West Suffolk Parking Review Group and adoption of the proposed Terms of Reference.  


As in previous reviews, all car parks that were owned or managed by the council would be included within the scope and this time, the review would  also consider on-street parking capacity.  This was required given our imminent responsibility for Civil Parking Enforcement and our commitment to delivering local integrated parking plans.


The proposed Terms of Reference for the Review Group was to:


(1)        Review national/local trends and policy, and evaluate the current performance of the parking service across all locations, including usage, condition of the car parks, the quality of service delivery, enforcement, parking incentives and customer feedback.


(2)        Develop strategic aims and objectives for parking in West Suffolk with local parking plans aligned with on-street provision.


(3)        Consider the imminent service changes arising from the implementation of Civil Parking Enforcement and the impact on parking behaviour.


(4)        Consider current levels of occupancy, future capacity projections and any interventions that may be needed now and over the long term.


(5)        Assess park and walk and the flexible payment system currently being trailed in Bury St Edmunds.


(6)        Review car park tariffs for the period of the Medium Term Financial Strategy, backed by consultation.


(7)        Identify service improvement and efficiencies.


The review will deliver the following outcomes:


(1)        An overarching strategy for parking across West Suffolk; individual place based parking plans for Bury St Edmunds, Haverhill, Newmarket, Mildenhall and Brandon; and a plan for other rural communities.


(2)        An effective, efficient and quality service.


(3)        Infrastructure and delivery of service that will support the viability of our town centres and keep pace with our growth aspirations.


(4)        Income and saving opportunities


It was proposed that the Review Group would be set up to oversee this process and would comprise of two West Suffolk Council members; a representative from the Performance and Audit Scrutiny Committee; a member representative from Suffolk County Council; the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee; and would be supported by the Cabinet Member for Operations and relevant officers.


The Review Group would present its findings to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 14 November 2019.


The Committee considered the report in detail and asked a number of questions of officers, to which comprehensive responses were provided.  In particular discussions were held on the night time parking economy; park and ride schemes; resident permit schemes; flexi-park; blanket charging for parking across West Suffolk; rural perspective on parking, in particular Clare as a market town; discount passes for students; and parking issues in Newmarket. 


In response to a question raised regarding Civil Parking Enforcement (CPE) and arrangements with Suffolk County Council, members were informed that as part of the CPE business case, the Council would retain all income generated from on-street parking.  As part of the agreement with SCC, the council would have powers to control resident parking permits and more on-street parking bays. 


In response to a question raised regarding double-yellow lines, members were informed that a survey would be carried out over the summer, including on-street parking, which would then be considered by the Review Group.


In response to a question raised regarding consulting residents; workers; and big institutions such as hospitals, members were informed that the Review would consider widely all options.  Stakeholder engagement would include educational and health organisations.


The Chair informed the Committee that councillors would be asked to submit their parking concerns to the Review Group.  The Service Manager (Property) also explained that there would be a number of stakeholder meetings taking place in early September 2019, and local/ward councillors would be invited to those meetings.


The Chair explained that he hoped to be able to bring interim updates to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on a regular basis, and he would be in regular liaison with the Cabinet Member for Operations on the Review Group’s progress.


Councillor David Nettleton then proposed the recommendations, this was duly seconded by Councillor Simon Cole, and with the vote being 14 for and 1 against, it was:


          RESOLVED: That


(1)    The establishment of a Review Group to consider car parking in West Suffolk be approved.


(2)    The Terms of Reference for the Review Group as set out in Paragraph 2.1 of the Report be approved.


(3)    The Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Operations be delegated to make appointments to the Car Parking Review Group.









Supporting documents: