Agenda item

Update on the Work of the West Suffolk Environment and Climate Change Taskforce (Report No: CAB/WS/20/009)

Report No:   CAB/WS/20/009

Portfolio Holder: Cllr John Griffiths           Lead Officer: Jill Korwin






1.       progress made by the Taskforce to date be noted and support be confirmed for the approach being taken, including the following proposals under consideration outlined in section 1 of Report No: CAB/WS/20/009:


a.       Explore ways we can reduce and measure our carbon use through systems used in the sector such as carbon budgeting, consideringthe aim to become a carbon neutral authority by 2030;


b.       Explore and embed where possible new ways of working and processes that are more environmentally friendly that could have wider benefits, such as cost savings or health improvements.


2.       The following initial recommendations be considered and:


a.       it be agreed that the Taskforce Terms of Reference are updated to better reflect the working of the Taskforce and link to Council’s declaration of a climate emergency and awareness of environmental challenges, as laid out in section 3;


b.       it be agreed to advise the Barley Homes Shareholder Advisory Group regarding future recommendations of the Taskforce;


c.       the proposed objectives and amendments for the West Suffolk Strategic Framework 2020-24 be agreed, as laid out in section 4;


d.       it be agreed that the West Suffolk Local Plan should include a specific strategic objective regarding the environment and climate change challenges, as laid out in section 4;


e.       the recommendations for the 2020/21 budget, as set out in Section 5, be approved, specifically for up to £18,000 to be available from the Medium Term Financial Strategy Reserve to meet the additional cost of purchase of electric vehicles.


Additional Recommendations (Addendum to Report No: CAB/WS/20/009)





f.       The West Suffolk Environmental Statement 2018/19, as contained in Appendix B to Report No: CAB/WS/20/009, be noted; and


g.       for future years, the Environmental Statement be included in the Council’s Annual Report, starting with the 2019/20 Annual Report, as laid in section 4.2 of Report No: CAB/WS/20/009.




The Cabinet considered this report, which updated on the work of the West Suffolk Environment and Climate Change Taskforce and sought approval for a number of recommendations put forward in the interim period.


Following its establishment in July 2019, the Environment and Climate Change Taskforce had begun a thorough evidence-based review of environment and climate change issues with the purpose of making recommendations back to Cabinet on the further actions the Council could take to address climate change and mitigate adverse impacts on the environment.


The Taskforce was expected to present its final recommendations later in 2020; however, a number of initial recommendations had been proposed for consideration at this meeting, which if approved, would help the work of the Taskforce to progress.


An additional recommendation was proposed which had inadvertently been omitted from the report and was tabled before Members. The purpose and reason for the recommendation was set out in the original report. The recommendation was as follows:


1.       The West Suffolk Environmental Statement 2018/19, as contained in Appendix B to Report No: CAB/WS/20/009, be noted; and


2.       for future years, the Environmental Statement be included in the Council’s Annual Report, starting with the 2019/20 Annual Report, as laid in section 4.2 of Report No: CAB/WS/20/009.


The Chair invited Councillor David Roach, Portfolio Holder for Local Plan Development and Delivery and Member of the Environment and Climate Change Taskforce to present the update and move the recommendations.


Councillor Roach explained the approach and methodology of the Taskforce, as set out in paragraphs 2.3 to 2.5 of the report, and how a range of options were currently being developed in respect of each workstream so that final proposals could be presented to Cabinet for approval later in 2020.  In the meantime, initial recommendations were set out in sections 3, 4 and 5 of the report and each were considered in turn.


A detailed discussion was held and the Cabinet acknowledged that good progress was being made with general support expressed for the recommendations. Specifically, the following observations and comments were made, that:


·         An Air Quality Group had been established in Bury St Edmunds and it would therefore be appropriate for these and other similar environmental groups to work together to achieve common aims.


·         In respect of future tree planting, consideration needed to be given to the impact on the landscape and to ensure existing landscapes were protected where necessary; allowance of sufficient time for the trees to grow and embed properly and safely; to plant indigenous species in order to help protect existing plant growth and reduce the potential spread of disease; and to ascertain whether the Council could act commercially in terms of whether the trees could be planted and harvested on a rotational basis to generate an income.


·         Greener initiatives potentially needed to be introduced into the existing ageing housing stock in the district and not just provided in new homes. The Council would need to lobby Government regarding such change.


·         In respect of reporting CO² savings, consistency was required in that it should be reported in either tonnes or kilogrammes and not both.



In respect of further actions the Council could take to address climate change and protecting the environment, including the potential for the Council to use its role to bring about lasting change across West Suffolk, the Cabinet agreed that the Taskforce had satisfactorily set out the issues and opportunities it was exploring.  The Taskforce had made appropriate recommendations that contained purposeful actions the Council could take now, including helping shape the direction of the Local Plan and Strategic Framework, as set out in its terms of reference.






1.       progress made by the Taskforce to date be noted and support be confirmed for the approach being taken, including the following proposals under consideration outlined in section 1 of Report No: CAB/WS/20/009:


a.       Explore ways we can reduce and measure our carbon use through systems used in the sector such as carbon budgeting, consideringthe aim to become a carbon neutral authority by 2030;


b.       Explore and embed where possible new ways of working and processes that are more environmentally friendly that could have wider benefits, such as cost savings or health improvements.


2.       The following initial recommendations be considered and:


a.       it be agreed that the Taskforce Terms of Reference are updated to better reflect the working of the Taskforce and link to Council’s declaration of a climate emergency and awareness of environmental challenges, as laid out in section 3;


b.       it be agreed to advise the Barley Homes Shareholder Advisory Group regarding future recommendations of the Taskforce;


c.       the proposed objectives and amendments for the West Suffolk Strategic Framework 2020-24 be agreed, as laid out in section 4;


d.       it be agreed that the West Suffolk Local Plan should include a specific strategic objective regarding the environment and climate change challenges, as laid out in section 4;


e.       the recommendations for the 2020/21 budget, as set out in Section 5, be approved, specifically for up to £18,000 to be available from the Medium Term Financial Strategy Reserve to meet the additional cost of purchase of electric vehicles.


Additional Recommendations (Addendum to Report No: CAB/WS/20/009)


f.       The West Suffolk Environmental Statement 2018/19, as contained in Appendix B to Report No: CAB/WS/20/009, be noted; and


g.       for future years, the Environmental Statement be included in the Council’s Annual Report, starting with the 2019/20 Annual Report, as laid in section 4.2 of Report No: CAB/WS/20/009.



Supporting documents: