Agenda item

Recommendations of the Extraordinary Overview and Scrutiny Committee - 23 January 2020: West Suffolk Parking Review Group

Report No; CAB/WS/20/020

Portfolio Holder: Cllr Peter Stevens          

Chair of the Committee: Cllr David Nettleton       

Lead Officers: Darren Dixon and Mark Walsh




That the recommendations as set out in Section 10 and Tables 1 and 2, being the West Suffolk Parking Review Group’s Report, attached as Report No: OAS/WS/20/003, be approved (Appendix A), subject to the following amendments/referrals being made:


1.       Table 1: Brandon – no parking charges should be introduced in Brandon.  Instead, a maximum stay of 3 hours is allowed in the Bury Road car park, with users required to obtain a free ticket.  A review should be undertaken after 12 months to evaluate how this is operating.


2.       Table 1: Brandon – No recommendation be made to Suffolk County Council regarding parking on Brandon High Street.


3.       Table 1: Bury St Edmunds – That all aspects relating to Bury St Edmunds be referred to Cabinet for determination, subject to recommendation 4., 5., 6. and 9. below:


4.       Bury St Edmunds: Cabinet to be asked to consider the implications of retaining the “free from 3” scheme on Tuesdays and also consider the implications of extending it to include 8am to 12 midday on Wednesdays.  


5.       Bury St Edmunds: Cabinet to be asked to consider the implications of removing the nightly charge from 6pm.


6.       Bury St Edmunds: Cabinet to be asked to consider the implications of retaining the tariff period to 6pm (from the 8pm proposal).


7.       Haverhill: Cabinet to be asked to consider retaining the “free from 3” on Fridays (subject to 9 below).


8.       Cabinet to be asked to determine its own proposals for Newmarket.


9.       Cabinet to be asked to look at the implication of “free from” parking options in all market towns across West Suffolk on market days (Fridays in Haverhill and Tuesdays in Newmarket).


10.     Cabinet to be asked to examine the electric vehicle bay charging structure across West Suffolk, with the potential to introduce charging for electric bays at a concessionary rate rather than the full rate.


(Report No: CAB/WS/20/020)


The Cabinet considered this report which explained that on 11 July 2019, a West Suffolk Car Parking Review Group had been established by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee to review parking in West Suffolk.  Report No: OAS/WS/20/003 (attached as Appendix A to Report No: Cab/WS/20/020) set out the conclusions and recommendations from the Review Group, which had been presented to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 23 January 2020.


The recommendations of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee from their meeting on 23 January 2020, were as set out in Report No: CAB/WS/20/020 for consideration by the Cabinet.




That the recommendations as set out in Section 10 and Tables 1 and 2, being the West Suffolk Parking Review Group’s Report, attached as Report No: OAS/WS/20/003, be approved (Appendix A), subject to the following amendments/referrals being made:


1.       Table 1: Brandon – no parking charges should be introduced in Brandon.  Instead, a maximum stay of 3 hours is allowed in the Bury Road car park, with users required to obtain a free ticket.  A review should be undertaken after 12 months to evaluate how this is operating.


2.       Table 1: Brandon – No recommendation be made to Suffolk County Council regarding parking on Brandon High Street.


3.       Table 1: Bury St Edmunds – That all aspects relating to Bury St Edmunds be referred to Cabinet for determination, subject to recommendation 4., 5., 6. and 9. below:


4.       Bury St Edmunds - Cabinet to be asked to consider the implications of retaining the “free from 3” scheme on Tuesdays and also consider the implications of extending it to include 8am to 12 midday on Wednesdays.  


5.       Bury St Edmunds - Cabinet to be asked to consider the implications of removing the nightly charge from 6pm.


6.       Bury St Edmunds - Cabinet to be asked to consider the implications of retaining the tariff period to 6pm (from the 8pm proposal).


7.       Haverhill - Cabinet to be asked to consider retaining the “free from 3” on Fridays (subject to 9 below).


8.       Cabinet to be asked to determine its own proposals for Newmarket.


9.       Cabinet to be asked to look at the implication of “free from” parking options in all market towns across West Suffolk on market days (Fridays in Haverhill and Tuesdays in Newmarket).


10.     Cabinet to be asked to examine the electric vehicle bay charging structure across West Suffolk, with the potential to introduce charging for electric bays at a concessionary rate rather than the full rate.

Supporting documents: