Agenda item

West Suffolk Environment and Climate Change Taskforce - Final Report (Report No: CAB/WS/20/045)

Report No:   CAB/WS/20/045

Portfolio Holders: Cllrs John Griffiths and Andy Drummond

Chair of the Taskforce: Cllr Rachel Hood

Lead Officer: Jill Korwin





1.       the Council be committed to working towards achieving net zero greenhouse gas (carbon) emissions by 2030 as set out in section 4 of Report No: CAB/WS/20/045; 


2.       the high-level road map to achieve net zero, be approved, as set out in section 4 and Appendix 2 noting it will need to develop as technologies and funding opportunities change;


3.       a carbon budgeting approach be introduced to support the net zero ambition, as set out in section 5; 


4.       the immediate actions the Council can take to support its journey to net zero, be agreed, as set out in section 3;


5.       the longer term actions the Council could consider as part of 2021/22 service and budget planning process, be noted, as set out in section 6; and


6.       the communications plan, be approved, as set out in section 7.


The Cabinet considered this report, which presented the first of two reports from the West Suffolk Environment and Climate Change Taskforce. This report provided the majority of the final recommendations of the Taskforce, with a separate report presenting its recommendations specifically focussed on environment and biodiversity issues and associated actions (Report No; CAB/WS/20/046).


At the inaugural Annual Meeting of West Suffolk Council in May 2019, the new Leader announced that he proposed to set up two taskforces, one of which would be requested to look at ways in which the Council could improve on its current and previous actions taken to mitigate the effects of adverse environmental factors and climate change.


In September 2019, West Suffolk Council declared a climate emergency, having already established the West Suffolk Environment and Climate Change Taskforce in June 2019. The aim of the Taskforce was to make recommendations on the Council’s future role in protecting and enhancing the environment, both in the way in which it carried out its operations and through specific initiatives.


Following a brief introduction from Councillor John Griffiths, Leader of the Council, Councillor Rachel Hood, Chair of the Taskforce was invited to report on the work of the Taskforce.


It was upon the Council’s (and predecessor councils) existing strong environmental performance foundation as summarised in section 1 of the report, that the Taskforce first met in August 2019. Taking an evidence-led approach, it agreed that recommendations to Cabinet should take account of the key features of West Suffolk and continue to embed environmental considerations into future decision-making. This report of the Taskforce set out:

·         the approach;

·         achievements following the interim report (January 2020);

·         rationale and opportunity to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2030;

·         immediate actions the Council could take to further improve 2020/21 environmental performance;

·         longer term actions the Council could consider as part of its 2021/22 budget and service planning process.


Councillor Hood explained how the Taskforce refined it’s work to focus on actions that were ‘meaningful, measurable and achievable’, and these had been explored through the development of seven themes, as set out in paragraph 2.3 of the report. The Cabinet then noted the rationale behind the making of the recommendations, which included setting out the opportunity for the Council to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. An indicative roadmap for this had been produced that should find the Council at least breaking even after 10 years but it could also deliver a financial return.  This was set out in section 4. It was however, important to note that the Cabinet was being asked to commit to working towards achieving net zero greenhouse gas (carbon) emissions by 2030, and not to the individual projects listed.

The report also recommended the creation of, and reporting against a carbon budget to ensure that the Council could effectively plan and track its progress to net zero, as set out in section 5.


Councillor Hood expressed with confidence that with the existing processes the Council had in place, namely the political leadership, performance reporting and the annual Environmental Statement, supported by the proposed carbon budget process would ensure that the Council’s improved environmental performance would continue. Although the Taskforce was due to meet one final time, Councillor Hood placed her thanks on record to all members of the Taskforce and to the officers who supported this work.


Whilst applicable to the next item on the agenda, Councillor Hood then highlighted the principal issues contained in the Taskforce’s second report, which addressed the significant detrimental effects being caused to the environment and biodiversity and ways in which West Suffolk Council, and its partners where appropriate, could mitigate these effects.


Following a motion being put to Council in September 2019, which sought the declaration of an environment emergency by the Council, which was subsequently referred to the Cabinet and specifically, its Environment and Climate Change Taskforce to consider, the Taskforce had explored this issue in depth and the evidence was clear that there were significant environmental and biodiversity concerns, as set out in the report.  The Taskforce recommended this be recognised and supported the declaration of an emergency, as well as a number of short and long term measures that the Council could take, as set out in the Appendix and section 3 of the report. 


The Taskforce had also included an alternative option that the Cabinet may wish to consider, of explicitly stating the Climate Emergency that had already been declared included the Environment Emergency. This was included in Section 4 of the report (see Minute 140. for further details).


Councillor Hood was commended by the Cabinet for her chairmanship of the Taskforce and supporting officers were also acknowledged for their work and contributions.


The Cabinet thanked the Taskforce for its thorough investigations and commitment, and for presenting recommendations within its remit and terms of reference, which would build on the Council’s existing commitment to mitigating the effects of climate change and improving the environment.







1.       the Council be committed to working towards achieving net zero greenhouse gas (carbon) emissions by 2030 as set out in section 4 of Report No: CAB/WS/20/045; 


2.       the high-level road map to achieve net zero, be approved, as set out in section 4 and Appendix 2 noting it will need to develop as technologies and funding opportunities change;


3.       a carbon budgeting approach be introduced to support the net zero ambition, as set out in section 5; 


4.       the immediate actions the Council can take to support its journey to net zero, be agreed, as set out in section 3;


5.       the longer term actions the Council could consider as part of 2021/22 service and budget planning process, be noted, as set out in section 6; and


6.       the communications plan, be approved, as set out in section 7.

Supporting documents: