Agenda item

Planning Application DC/17/1087/OUT - Stanton Community Primary School, Bury Lane, Stanton (Report No: DEV/WS/20/029)

Report No: DEV/WS/20/029


Outline Planning Application (Means of Access to be considered) - (i) 7no. dwellings (demolition of school building) (ii) Formation of new vehicular access from Bury Lane and associated on-site parking


Outline Planning Application (Means of Access to be considered) - (i) 7no. dwellings (demolition of school building) (ii) Formation of new vehicular access from Bury Lane and associated on-site parking


This application was referred to the Development Control Committee following consideration at the Delegation Panel.


The Principal Planning Officer – Major Projects drew attention to the previous item on the agenda which concerned a separate, but related planning application.


Officers were recommending that the application be approved subject to the completion of a S106 Agreement and conditions, as set out in Paragraph 129 of Report No DEV/WS/20/029.


Speaker:      Councillor Jim Thorndyke (Ward Member: Stanton) spoke on the application


Considerable discussion took place with regard to the trees/hedges to be retained and questions were raised in relation to replacement planting.


In response, the Principal Planning Officer – Major Projects explained that landscaping would be addressed by condition at Reserved Matters stage; the application before the Committee was in outline form.


A number of comments were made in relation to space standards and the number of electric charging points to be included within the scheme.


The Principal Planning Officer – Major Projects explained that the levels proposed within the application were considered reasonable, however, in order to address these points, he suggested that ‘informatives’ could be appended to a permission, if granted.


Councillor David Roach proposed that the application be approved, as per the Officer recommendation and inclusive of the informatives as suggested.  This was duly seconded by Councillor Mike Chester.


Upon being put to the vote and with 14 voting for the motion and with 2 against, it was resolved that




Planning permission be GRANTED subject to:


The completion of an Agreement (or equivalent) under S106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) to secure the following from this planning application (in combination with the related proposals for three dwellings reference DC/17/1093/FUL):


·         Education contribution (as set out at Paragraph 19 of the report)

·         Libraries contribution (as set out at Paragraph 19 of the report)


And subject to conditions, including:


·         Submission of the reserved matters within three years and commencement of development within 2 years of the approval of the final reserved matter.

·         Compliance with approved plans (noting that the access is included for consideration at this outline stage)

·         Materials (details to be submitted with the Reserved Matters)

·         As recommended by the Highway Authority (conditions are summarised at Paragraph 16 of the report)

·         Landscaping details provided at reserved matters to include provision of a replacement hedgerow to be planted behind the access visibility splays (and maintained outside of those areas)

·         Retention and protection of those trees and other planting to be retained.

·         To secure the ecological enhancement measures proposed recommended in the bat report.

·         Construction management plan (to include waste minimisation and recycling, deliveries management, dust management, working hours, lighting details (if any) site compound/storage/construction staff parking provision.

·         Means of enclosure (to be submitted with reserved matters)

·         Compliance with Building Control Requirements for reduced water consumption

·         Surface water drainage scheme, including future management and maintenance (to be submitted with the reserved matters)

·         Overall floorspace cap for the dwellings not to exceed the floorspace of the existing vacant building (to allow the vacant building credit to be applied whilst protecting the affordable housing policy position should there be an increase in floorspace)

·         Bat survey results (and any mitigation requirements arising) to be submitted with the first submission of the reserved matters.

·         Strategy for provision of charging points for electric vehicles (to be submitted with the reserved matters).

·         Lighting strategy (including no external lighting to be provided on the dwellings or their gardens unless agreed following consideration of a bat impact report)

·         INFORMATIVES in respect of spaces standards and electric charging points


(On conclusion of this item and Part A of the meeting the Chair asked that a slide be displayed in the live stream to indicate that the meeting was observing an interval and would recommence at 1.00pm for Part B, and a roll-call of those present would be taken.

On reconvening the meeting a Committee Member had technical difficulties and the Chair postponed commencement of Part B for a few minutes until this had been resolved.)

Supporting documents: