Agenda item

Planning Application DC/20/0682/FUL - Caravan Site South, Pigeon Lane, Fornham All Saints (Report No: DEV/WS/20/031)

Report No: DEV/WS/20/031


Planning Application - (i) Change of use of part of golf course for the siting of 35no. caravan holiday homes (ii) new access from A1101 (iii) construction of access roads, parking spaces and associated infrastructure (previous application DC/19/1700/FUL)


Planning Application - (i) Change of use of part of golf course for the siting of 35no. caravan holiday homes (ii) new access from A1101 (iii) construction of access roads, parking spaces and associated infrastructure (previous application DC/19/1700/FUL)


A previous application was originally referred to the Development Control Committee on 5 February 2020 because Fornham All Saints Parish Council had made comments in support of the application and Fornham St Martin cum St Genevieve Parish Council had objected.


Furthermore, one of the Ward Members for The Fornhams and Great Barton Ward had asked for the application to be considered by the Committee due to the number of representations received objecting to the proposal.


At the February Committee Members resolved to refuse planning permission on the grounds of the adverse impact on the landscape, visual amenity and potential for settlement coalescence of the two villages of Fornham All Saints and Fornham St Martin cum St Genevieve.


The application before Committee now was a re-submission of the scheme refused in February 2020.


The Senior Planning Officer explained that the application had now been submitted with the support of a visualisation, showing the expected views from Mildenhall Road, Pigeon Lane and from within the golf course when the proposed soft landscaping has reached maturity. 


Furthermore, during the course of the application minor amendments had been made to the soft landscaping scheme to allow for the planned footpath widening along the A1101/ Mildenhall Road at the front of the application site.


Members were advised that Fornham All Saints Parish Council had made no objections to the application and Fornham St Martin cum St Genevieve Parish Council had objected.


The Officer explained that one further objection had been received from a third party since publication of the agenda.  However, it did not raise any new points not previously covered by earlier representations.


Officers were recommending that the application be approved, subject to conditions as set out in Paragraph 160 of Report No DEV/WS/20/031.


Speakers:    Leon Jones (local resident) spoke against the application

                   Malcolm Johnson (local resident) spoke against the application

Frank Stennett (local resident) spoke against the application

(The three local residents had opted not to connect to the meeting to address the Committee and had instead asked the Democratic Services Officer to read out the statements on their behalf)

Councillor Beccy Hopfensperger (one of the Ward Members for The Fornhams and Great Barton ward) spoke against the application

Josh Harris (applicant) spoke in support of the application


Prior to the Chair opening up the debate on the application the Service Manager (Planning – Development) addressed the Committee to advise that they were to consider the application on its own merits irrespective of the previous determination made earlier in the year.


Considerable discussion took place with a number of Members voicing concern at the impact the scheme would have on the valley meadowlands landscape.


In response, the Principal Planning Officer explained that, given the time it would take for the proposed landscaping to mature, short term adverse harm was recognised.


The Officer also responded to questions posed in relation to Caravan Act requirements and proposed conditions in respect of occupancy and the materials to be used.


Councillor Peter Stevens proposed that the application be refused, contrary to the Officer recommendation for the reasons cited by the Committee in February 2020 plus the impact the scheme would have on the valley meadowlands landscape.  This was duly seconded by Councillor Mike Chester.


The Service Manager (Planning – Development) addressed the meeting and advised the Committee that the Decision Making Protocol would not be invoked in this instance as a Risk Assessment was not considered necessary.


Upon being put to the vote and with 10 voting for the motion and 5 against it was resolved that




Planning permission be REFUSED CONTRARY TO THE OFFICER RECOMMENDATION on the grounds of the adverse impact on the valley meadowlands landscape, visual amenity and potential for settlement coalescence of the two villages of Fornham All Saints and Fornham St Martin cum St Genevieve.

Supporting documents: