Agenda item

Planning Application DC/20/0615/RM - Land North of Ann Suckling Road, Little Wratting (Report No: DEV/WS/20/052)

Report No: DEV/WS/20/052


Reserved Matters Application -Submission of details under SE/09/1283 - the means of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the construction of 41 dwellings with associated private amenity space, means of enclosure, car parking, vehicle and access arrangement and drainage together with proposed areas of landscaping and areas of open space for a residential development known as Phase 2A


Reserved Matters Application -Submission of details under SE/09/1283 - the means of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the construction of 41 dwellings with associated private amenity space, means of enclosure, car parking, vehicle and access arrangement and drainage together with proposed areas of landscaping and areas of open space for a residential development known as Phase 2A


This application was referred to the Development Control Committee following a call-in from the local Ward Member Councillor Joe Mason (Haverhill North).


In addition, Haverhill Town Council objected to the application which was in conflict with the Officer’s recommendation for approval subject to the receipt of an acceptable noise assessment and conditions, as set out in Paragraph 9.0 of Report No DEV/WS/20/052.


Members were advised that the application related to part of the wider North West Haverhill site, one of the two strategic growth sites for Haverhill identified in the adopted Core Strategy. It sought approval of the details for part of the second phase of residential development.


The Committee were informed that the site had been the subject of significant public engagement through the preparation and adoption of a concept statement and a masterplan. Outline planning permission was granted on 27 March 2015 for residential development, a primary school, local centre including retail and community uses, public open space, landscaping infrastructure, servicing and other associated works alongside full permission for the construction of a relief road.


The Principal Planning Officer explained that the application had initially sought approval for all the dwellings in phase two. However, during the course of the application, the dwellings in the southern half of the phase were removed and the red line was reduced in size to allow further work to take place on the southern parcel (phase 2b) to improve its character, layout and appearance before the submission of a new reserved matters application.


The remaining northern parcel (phase 2a) had, therefore, been amended to address concerns with the layout, house types, landscaping, and highways. The site included a section of highway connecting the parcel to the approved road network within phase one and a strip of land connecting to a proposed drainage basin to the south, which would serve all of phase two.


As part of her presentation the Principal Planning Officer made reference to the supplementary ‘late papers’ which had been circulated following publication of the agenda.


Lastly, reference was made to a separate ongoing enforcement matter in connection with the application site which, the Committee was reminded, was not a material planning consideration for the determination of the application.


Speakers:    Anne & Brad Strachen (neighbouring resident objectors) spoke against the application

                   Councillor Joe Mason (Ward Member: Haverhill North) spoke against the application

                   Stuart McAdam (Applicant – Persimmon Homes) spoke in support of the application

(All parties listed did not connect to the meeting to personally address the Committee and the Democratic Services Officer read out pre-prepared submitted statements on their behalf)


Considerable debate ensued with a number of comments/questions raised by Members on: the designated green spaces, hedges and green infrastructure corridors, pedestrian access and landscaping, all of which the Principal Planning Officer responded to.


Specific discussion took place in relation to sustainability aspects such as: heating, internet access and electric vehicle charging. In response to this the Officer explained that elements such as electric vehicle charging points or specific requirements in terms of heat and power would have needed to have been secured at the time of the outline consent and could not be required under a Reserved Matters application. Broadband provision and the method of heating the dwellings would therefore not be material considerations in this case.


However, Members were assured that Officers continued to have discussions with the applicant in respect of electric vehicle charging points, the inclusion of which was being increasingly influenced by the market. The Officer stated that Persimmon has advised they will be providing charging points for dwellings with garages as a first step towards increased provision.


Questions were also raised in respect of the affordable housing provision and housing mix.  The Committee were advised that the affordable housing had been secured via a S106 Agreement and assured the meeting that the layout and design in the application did not in any way prejudice the delivery of the agreed provision.


Councillor John Burns addressed the meeting and briefly referenced the history of the site and the related relief road. He then moved that the application be approved, as per the Officer recommendation.  This was duly seconded by Councillor David Roach.


Upon being put to the vote and with the vote being unanimous, it was resolved that




Planning permission be GRANTED subject to the receipt of an acceptable Noise Assessment and the following conditions:


1.   Approved Plans and documents

The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out except in complete accordance with the details shown on the approved plans and documents.

2.   Noise indoors

Prior to occupation of the proposed dwellings, the noise mitigation measures, as stated within the Environmental Impact Assessment submitted by Loven Acoustics for Phase 2A, Ref: LA/1726/02aR/ML dated 11 November 2020, shall be implemented to ensure that the internal ambient noise levels within each dwelling, with windows closed, do not exceed an LAeq (16hrs) of 35 dB(A) within bedrooms and living rooms between the hours of 07:00 to 23:00 and an LAeq (8hrs) of 30dB(A) within bedrooms between the hours of 23:00 to 07:00, in accordance with the current guideline levels within BS8233:2014 – Guidance on sound insulation and noise reduction for buildings.

3.   Noise outdoors

Prior to occupation of the proposed dwellings, the noise mitigation measures, as stated within the Environmental Impact Assessment submitted by Loven Acoustics for Phase 2A Ref: LA/1726/02aR/ML dated 11 November 2020, shall be implemented to ensure that the noise level within the external amenity areas of each dwelling do not exceed an LAeq of 50 dB (A), in accordance with the current guideline levels within  BS8233:2014 – Guidance on sound insulation and noise reduction for buildings.

4.   Landscape condition

Notwithstanding the details previously submitted, no above ground

construction shall take place until there has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority a final scheme of soft landscaping for the site drawn to a scale of not less than 1:200.

The details shall include buffer planting along the northern boundary as set out in the design code and compensatory hedge planting to mitigate for the loss of Hedge H2. The landscaping details shall also include the biodiversity enhancements requested by the Suffolk Wildlife trust and set out in the Great Crested Newt Survey, the Hazel Dormouse Survey Report, the Bat Activity Survey Report and the Breeding Bird Survey.

Planting details shall also include details of on plot planting and planting within the SUDS Basin, and clearly show where existing vegetation is to be maintained/enhanced.

The details shall include planting plans; written specifications (including cultivation and other operations associated with plant and grass establishment); schedules of plants noting species, plant sizes and proposed numbers/ densities. The approved scheme of soft landscaping works shall be implemented not later than the first planting season following commencement of the development (or within such extended period as may first be agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority). Any planting removed, dying or becoming seriously damaged or diseased within five years of planting shall be replaced within the first available planting season thereafter with planting of similar size and species unless the Local Planning Authority gives written consent for any variation.

5.   Lighting strategy for bats

Prior to any above ground construction details of a light minimization strategy, as recommended in the submitted bat activity survey report, shall be submitted to the local planning authority and agreed in writing. The strategy shall cover the construction and post construction phases and be based on the recommendations set out in section 5.2 of the bat activity survey report.

6.   Sulphur Clover method statement

Prior to the commencement of any works in areas identified as containing Sulphur Clover in the Botanical Survey (including Sulphur Clover survey)(August 2019), full details of the method of translocation of the plants shall be submitted to the local planning authority and agreed in writing. All works must be carried out in accordance with the agreed details.

7.   Reptile precautionary method statement.

All work shall be carried out in accordance with the precautionary methods of working set out in the Reptile Precautionary Method Statement.

8.   Tree pit condition

Notwithstanding the tree pit details submitted with this application, prior to the installation of any tree within 2.5 metres of a highway, the full details of the proposed tree pit for that tree shall be submitted to the local planning authority and agreed in writing. All work shall be carried out in full accordance with the approved details.

9.   Flood resilience measures

Prior to the commencement of the dwellings on plots 8 and 9 details of the flood resilience measures incorporated into the design of those units shall be submitted to the local planning authority and agreed in writing. The dwellings shall be completed in accordance with the agreed measures.

10.Pedestrian and cycle crossing Condition

Before the development is commenced details shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority for the indicative crossing shown on drawing 041-P-140 Rev B. The scheme will include, full design, location and Safety Audit (Stage 1&2). The approved scheme shall be carried out in its entirety before the first occupation of any property and shall be retained thereafter in its approved form.

11.Refuse Condition

The areas to be provided for the presentation and storage of refuse/recycling bins as shown on drawing number 041-P-130 Rev C shall be provided in its entirety before the development is brought into use and shall be retained thereafter for no other purpose.

12.Vehicle parking condition

Prior to the occupation of any dwelling, the area(s) within the site shown on drawing 041-P-140 Rev B for the purposes of loading, unloading, manoeuvring and parking of vehicles in relation to that dwelling shall be provided. Thereafter that area(s) shall be retained and used for no other purposes.

13.Estate roads and footways Condition

Before the development is commenced, details of the estate roads and footpaths, (including carriageway and footway width/s, layout, levels, gradients, lighting, visibility splays, soft landscaping, surfacing and means of surface water drainage), shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.




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