Agenda item

Planning Application DC/22/0172/FUL - Land adjacent to 1 and 2, Park Garden, West Row (Report No: DEV/WS/22/025)

Report No: DEV/WS/22/025


Planning application - six dwellings with access, parking and associated site work


Planning application - six dwellings with access, parking and associated site work


This application was originally referred to the Development Control Committee on 1 June 2022 following consideration by the Delegation Panel. West Row Parish Council objected to the scheme on highway safety grounds.


Ward Member (The Rows) Councillor Don Waldron had also raised queries with regard to the commencement of a previous permission and subsequent fallback position.


The application was subsequently deferred by the Committee to enable a Member site visit to take place and to provide further clarification on highway related matters, which was set out in Report No DEV/WS/22/025 for consideration.


Officers were continuing to recommend that the application be approved, subject to conditions as set out in Paragraph 21 of the report.


Speakers:    Sarah Carter (neighbouring objector, on behalf of the residents of Park Gardens) spoke against the application    

                   Councillor Don Waldron (Ward Member: The Rows) spoke on the application

                   Gavin Wells (applicant) spoke in support of the application

                   (Sarah Carter was not in attendance to personally address the Committee and, instead, the Democratic Services Officer read out a pre-prepared statement on her behalf.)


Councillor Mike Chester proposed that the application be approved, as per the Officer recommendation. This was duly seconded by Councillor John Burns.


Upon being put to the vote and with the vote being unanimous, it was resolved that




Planning permission be GRANTED subject to the following conditions:


 1       The development hereby permitted shall be begun not later than three years from the date of this permission.

 2       The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out except in complete accordance with the details shown on the approved plans and documents.

 3       Before the dwelling at plot 4 hereby permitted is first occupied/brought into use, the first floor bathroom window in the south elevation shall be fitted with obscure glass to Pilkington glass level 4 privacy or an equivalent standard and shall consist only of non-operable fixed lights up to 1.70m from floor level and shall be retained in such form in perpetuity.

 4       The Construction Management Statement already submitted with the application shall be adhered to throughout the construction period (except from the superseded domestic waste collection paragraph).

 5       No construction HGV movements, loading and unloading of vehicles or deliveries shall be taken or despatched outside the hours of 08:00 - 18:00 Mondays to Friday and 08:00 – 13.00 on Saturdays and no deliveries shall be taken or despatched on Sundays and Bank Holidays unless agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.

 6       Demolition or construction works shall not take place outside 8:00 hours to 18:00 hours Mondays to Fridays and 08:00 hours to 13:00 hours on Saturdays and at no time on Sundays, public holidays or bank holidays.

 7       All construction lighting installations to be provided at the site, including those within the car parking areas, service yards and security, shall be positioned so as not to cause unacceptable glare to the residential properties in the vicinity of the site.

 8       All planting comprised in the approved details of landscaping detailed on drawing no P-2021-014-1 Rev A shall be carried out in the first planting season following the commencement of the development (or within such extended period as may first be agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority). Any planting removed, dying or becoming seriously damaged or diseased within five years of planting shall be replaced within the first available planting season thereafter with planting of similar size and species unless the Local Planning Authority gives written consent for any variation.

 9       Prior to occupation the biodiversity enhancement measures shown in the approved plans shall be installed in their entirety and be retained in the approved form thereafter.

10      Prior to first occupation, all dwellings with off street parking shall be provided with an operational electric vehicle charge point at reasonably and practicably accessible locations, with an electric supply to the charge point capable of providing a 7kW charge. 

11      The dwelling(s) hereby approved shall not be occupied until the requirement for water consumption (110 litres use per person per day) in part G of the Building Regulations has been complied with and evidence of compliance has been obtained.

12      Prior to occupation each dwelling hereby approved shall be fitted with a domestic sprinkler systems and shall be maintained fully functional thereafter.

13      Prior to first use of the development hereby permitted, the area(s) within the site shown on drawing No. JP-2021-014-1 Rev.A for the purpose of loading, unloading, manoeuvring and parking of vehicles shall be provided.  Thereafter the area(s) shall be retained and used for no other purpose.

14      All HGV and construction traffic movements to and from the site over the duration of the construction period shall be subject to a Construction and Deliveries Management Plan which shall be submitted to the planning authority for approval a minimum of 28 days before any deliveries of materials commence.

          No HGV movements shall be permitted to and from the site other than in accordance with the routes defined in the Plan.

          The site operator shall maintain a register of complaints and record of actions taken to deal with such complaints at the site office as specified in the Plan throughout the period of occupation of the site.

15    Prior to the occupation of any of the dwellings hereby approved a waste collections strategy shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. Details shall be submitted to and approved by the local planning authority as to how the operation of the waste collection strategy will be secured in perpetuity. The dwellings hereby approved shall be occupied in accordance with the waste strategy thereafter unless agreed in writing otherwise.


(Councillor Andy Neal left the meeting at 2.37pm on conclusion of this item.)

Supporting documents: