Agenda item

Planning Application DC/22/2107/FUL - The New Croft, Chalkstone Way, Haverhill (Report No: DEV/WS/23/008)

Report No: DEV/WS/23/008


Planning application – creation of a 3G Artificial Grass Pitch (AGP) with landscape bund, perimeter fencing, hardstanding areas, storage container, floodlights, access footpath with fence and bollard lighting, acoustic fence and footpath link to north-west


(Councillors John Burns and David Smith both declared, in the interests of openness and transparency, that they had attended Haverhill Town Council’s meeting when the Town Council considered the application. However, they stressed they would keep an open mind and listen to the debate prior to voting on the item.)


Planning application – creation of a 3G Artificial Grass Pitch (AGP) with landscape bund, perimeter fencing, hardstanding areas, storage container, floodlights, access footpath with fence and bollard lighting, acoustic fence and footpath link to north-west


This application was referred to the Development Control Committee because it was on land owned by West Suffolk Council.


A Member site visit was held prior to the meeting and the Officer also showed a video of the site during her presentation.


Officers were recommending that the application be approved, subject to conditions as set out in Paragraph 94 of Report No DEV/WS/23/008.


The Committee was advised that the application had been subject to a full re-consultation as the red line was amended to include a footpath to the north-west which provided a link to the Samuel Ward Academy car park.


Speakers:    Mr and Mrs Gant (neighbouring objectors) spoke against the application

                   (Neither Mr or Mrs Gant were in attendance to personally address the Committee and, instead, the Democratic Services Officer read out a pre-prepared statement on their behalf.)

                   Councillor John Burns (Ward Member: Haverhill East) spoke on the application

                   Peter Betts (Haverhill Community Sports Association - applicant) spoke in support of the application


During the debate a number of Members commended the use of the neighbouring car park at Samuel Ward Academy (outside of school hours) as an overflow car park.


Some questions were posed in respect of the hours of operation. Attention was drawn to Paragraph 67 of the report, which explained that Public Health and Housing had recommended that the hours proposed by the applicant should be reduced slightly to remove noise impacts between 08.00- 09.00hrs and 21.00-22.00hrs. Accordingly, the operating hours set out in the conditions (No 16) aligned with that proposed by Public Health and Housing.


Discussion also took place on the no whistles after 7pm policy outlined in condition No 17. Members were advised that this would mainly affect evening training sessions as the majority of matches were held earlier in the day.


Councillor John Burns proposed that the application be approved, as per the Officer recommendation. This was duly seconded by Councillor Ian Houlder.


Upon being put to the vote and with the vote being unanimous, it was resolved that




Planning permission be GRANTED subject to the following conditions:


 1       The development hereby permitted shall be begun not later than three years from the date of this permission.

 2       The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out except in complete accordance with the details shown on the approved plans and documents, unless otherwise stated.

 3       The strategy for the disposal of surface water (dated 12th January 2023, ref: SIS028-09-00) and the Flood Risk Assessment (dated 13th December 2016, ref: 5003-UA008973-UU41R-04) shall be implemented as approved in writing by the local planning authority. The strategy shall thereafter be managed and maintained in accordance with the approved strategy.

 4       No development shall commence until details of a Construction Surface Water Management Plan (CSWMP) detailing how surface water and storm water will be managed on the site during construction (including demolition and site clearance operations) is submitted to and agreed in writing by the LPA. The CSWMP shall be implemented and thereafter managed and maintained in accordance with the approved plan for the duration of construction. The approved CSWMP shall include:

          Method statements, scaled and dimensioned plans and drawings detailing surface water management proposals to include:-

          i.        Temporary drainage systems

          ii.       Measures for managing pollution / water quality and protecting controlled waters and watercourses

          iii.      Measures for managing any on or offsite flood risk associated with construction         

 5       Within 28 days of practical completion of the development hereby approved, a surface water drainage verification report shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority, detailing and verifying that the surface water drainage system has been inspected and has been built and functions in accordance with the approved designs and drawings. The report shall include details of all SuDS components and piped networks in an agreed form, for inclusion on the Lead Local Flood Authority's Flood Risk Asset Register.     

 6       All mitigation and enhancement measures and/or works shall be carried out in accordance with the details contained in the Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (BJ Collins, November 2022) and the Construction and Environmental Management Plan (SIS Pitches, November 2022) as already submitted with the planning application and agreed in principle with the local planning authority prior to determination.     

 7       Prior to first use, a Biodiversity Enhancement Strategy for protected and Priority species prepared by a suitably qualified ecologist shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The content of the Biodiversity Enhancement Strategy shall include the following:

          a)      Purpose and conservation objectives for the proposed enhancement measures;

          b)      detailed designs or product descriptions to achieve stated objectives;

          c)       locations, orientations and heights of proposed enhancement measures shown on appropriate maps and plans (where relevant), including timings of installation;

          d)      persons responsible for implementing the enhancement measures; and

          e)      details of initial aftercare and long-term maintenance (where relevant).

          The works shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details shall be retained in that manner thereafter." 

 8       No development shall take place within the area indicated [the whole site] until the implementation of a programme of archaeological work has been secured, in accordance with a Written Scheme of Investigation which has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The scheme of investigation shall include an assessment of significance and research questions; and:

          a.       The programme and methodology of site investigation and recording.

          b.       The programme for post investigation assessment.

          c.       Provision to be made for analysis of the site investigation and recording.

          d.       Provision to be made for publication and dissemination of the analysis and records of the site investigation.

          e.       Provision to be made for archive deposition of the analysis and records of the site investigation.

          f.       Nomination of a competent person or persons/organisation to undertake the works set out within the Written Scheme of Investigation.

          g.       The site investigation shall be completed prior to development, or in such other phased arrangement, as agreed and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

 9       Prior to first use, the site investigation and post investigation assessment shall be completed and submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority, in accordance with the programme set out in the Written Scheme of Investigation approved under condition 7 and the provision made for analysis, publication and dissemination of results and archive deposition.

10      The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved Construction and Environmental Management Plan (SIS Pitches, November 2022 received by the local planning authority on 10 February, 2023) throughout the construction period.

11      The use shall not commence until the area(s) shown on Drawing No. 13 REV 00 for the purposes of manoeuvring and parking of vehicles has been provided and thereafter the area(s) shall be retained and used for no other purpose.

12      No external lighting other than that which forms part of the development hereby permitted and shown on the Lighting Assessment, Lighting Details and Sports Lighting statement (appendix E) documents; shall be provided within the application site.

13      The lighting system design will comply with recommendations published within ILP Guidance Notes for the Reduction of Obtrusive Light 2021 (Appendix C). On completion of the installation, the system will be tested and commissioned to ensure the LUX levels submitted as part of this application are achieved and not exceeded.

14      Operating hours of the lighting system shall be limited to only between Monday to Friday from 09:00 - 21:00hrs and Saturday, Sunday, public holidays and bank holidays from 09:00 - 20:00hrs and shall be used only at the times of the year when daylight is fading or it has gone dark.

15      Demolition or construction works shall not take place outside 08:00 hours to 18:00; hours Mondays to Fridays and 08:00; hours to 13:30; hours on Saturdays and at no time on Sundays, public holidays or bank holidays.

16      Operating hours of the development hereby approved shall be limited to:

          Monday to Friday: 0900- 2100 hours

Saturday, Sunday, public holidays and bank holidays: 0900-2000 hours

17      The development hereby approved will operate a 'no-whistle policy' beyond 7pm on any day, from which time onwards no whistles will be used. 

18      In accordance with the submitted noise impact assessment (Reference: 9990/SF/DO, Version Rev C, dated 10.02.2023), all fencing for the artificial grass pitch shall be fixed to the support posts with a neoprene isolator installed to fully isolate the panels from the posts and a maintenance regime shall ensure panels do not become loose so as to reduce the 'rattling' noise associated with ball impacts on metal fencing.

19      Prior to first use of the artificial grass pitch (AGP) hereby approved a Noise Management Plan and Code of Conduct shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

20      Prior to first use the landscape bund and acoustic fence, as shown on plans 11 REV 01 and 05 REV 01, shall be installed and thereafter shall be retained and maintained in accordance with the approved details unless the written consent of the Local Planning Authority is obtained for any variation.

Supporting documents: