Agenda item

Planning Application DC/22/1887/FUL - Land off The Street, Fornham All Saints (Report number: DEV/WS/24/004)

Report No: DEV/WS/24/004


Planning application - create access into All Saints Golf and Country Club


(Councillor Marilyn Sayer declared a non registrable interest as she had previously commented on this application in her capacity as a local resident living in the vicinity of the proposed development. She left the meeting and therefore did not take part in the debate or vote on the item.)


Planning application – create access into All Saints Golf and Country Club


This application was presented to the Delegation Panel as the officer’s recommendation of approval conflicted with Fornham All Saints Parish Council and Councillor Beccy Hopfensperger’s, one of the ward members, objection. 


The application was referred to the Development Control Committee due to the public interest in the proposed development.


A supplementary ‘late paper’ was issued following publication of the agenda, which provided additional information supplied by the applicant. This included a statement by Highways Consultant G H Bullard & Associates LLP to address in detail concerns raised by local residents, the parish council and ward member. The information supported the officer recommendation of approval. Members noted that re-consultation with the Highways Authority was not required as no objection had been submitted regarding this development and the information did not change how the proposal was assessed.


A separate document from the applicant had also been provided as part of the ‘late paper’ named ‘All Saints Explanatory Note’ which contained further explanation relating to the need and justification for the development.


The Planning Officer reported that since the publication of the report, two further objections had been received from neighbouring residents which accorded with the concerns expressed by other objectors.


Speakers:    Malcolm Hancock (neighbouring resident) spoke against the application

Chris Bond (neighbouring resident) spoke against the application on behalf of himself and two other objectors present at the meeting, Daren Watson (neighbouring resident) and Jane Stewart (neighbouring resident)

Councillor Martin Loveridge (Chairman of Fornham All Saints Parish Council and also representing the views of Fornham St Martin cum St Genevieve Parish Council) spoke against the application

Councillor Beccy Hopfensperger (one of the ward members for The Fornhams and Great Barton Ward) spoke against the application.

Mark Knight (agent) spoke in support of the application


(Malcolm Hancock was not present at the meeting in order to address the Committee, instead the Democratic Services Officer read out a pre-prepared statement on his behalf.)


(Councillor Sarah Broughton, the other ward member for The Fornhams and Great Barton Ward was present at the meeting in support of the comments expressed by the objectors and Councillor Beccy Hopfensperger.)


The Committee acknowledged the strength of concern for the proposed construction of a new access road to the All Saints Golf and Country Club including the potential adverse impact on amenity, highway safety and the Conservation Area.


While noting that the Conservation Officer and Highways Authority had not objected to the proposal, some members expressed concern regarding the potential significant detrimental impact upon the historic environment and the potential harm caused to the character and appearance of the Conservation Area. Highway safety was also of concern and it was principally for this reason that Councillor Jim Thorndyke proposed to defer consideration of the application to allow a site visit to be undertaken. This was duly seconded by Councillor Mike Chester.


The discussion then led to several members raising concern regarding the necessity and justification for the access, together with its frequency of use and whether the access would be used for reasons other than maintenance. The Committee was informed that it needed to consider the merits of the application itself and the Highways Authority would have assessed the frequency of use, in terms of a worse case scenario position, when considering the application. In addition, the access would be restricted by condition to only allow maintenance access to serve All Saints Golf and Country Club and for no other purpose.


The potential impact on the privacy of Acer Lodge opposite the proposed access was also raised.


The motion for deferral to allow a member site visit to be undertaken was put to the vote and with 8 voting for the motion, 7 against and no abstentions, it was resolved that




Consideration of this application be DEFERRED to allow a member site visit to be undertaken.


(At this point, the Chair adjourned the meeting to allow a short comfort break. The meeting resumed at 11.13 am.)


(Councillor Marilyn Sayer returned to the meeting following the conclusion of this item.)

Supporting documents: