Agenda item

Annual Performance Report for The Apex 2015-2016

Report No: PAS/SE/16/016



(Councillor Sarah Broughton and Peter Thompson both declared a non pecuniary interest as member’s of The Apex Scrutiny Panel).


Prior to the Committee receiving Report No: PAS/SE/16/016, the Service Manager (Operations, Leisure and Culture) wished to pay respect to the late Richard Hartley, who was the driving force behind certain initiatives which had led to the improving financial performance of The Apex.


Report PAS/SE/16/016 set out The Apex’s financial position for the year ending 2015-2016.  The report included an executive summary, the details of The Apex’s performance, Sodexo catering contract, analysis of budgets and conclusions.


The Apex budget for 2013-2014 had been reduced from £742,250 to £671,840 in 2014-2015 and to £639,431 in 2015-2016, representing a net positive variance of £47,000.  This had resulted in a final out-turn figure of £592,000 in 2015-2016.


The Apex continued to be a valuable community asset and more and more non-performance events were taking place which were open to the public.  The Apex also generates a significant amount of economic development for the area.


The Apex management team had been successful in reducing the budget over the last financial year, mainly due to increasing revenues from ticket sales.  It was anticipated that there would be further positive impact through increased programming and ticket sales in 2016-2017.  The team would continue to work closely with The Apex Panel and Sodexo Prestige in realising the full benefits of the contract by increasing turnover and building performance levels.


The Committee scrutinised the annual performance report in detail and asked a number of questions to which the Cabinet Member for Leisure and Culture and officers duly responded.  These questions and responses covered topics including the possibility of increasing the cost of tickets by 10%; and the lack of public transport after 5pm or on a Sunday in Haverhill and the surrounding area meaning residents could not get to The Apex.


Councillor David Nettleton raised concerns about the cost to the taxpayer in subsidising The Apex.  He felt it was not the function of the Council to be subsiding The Apex as it was an entertainment venue, and not a public service.  However, the majority of the Committee acknowledged that The Apex was moving in the right direction, in reducing the subsidy.  The Cabinet Member commented on the progress made by The Apex over the last year and the benefits The Apex brought to the local economy. 


The Chairman of  the Committee also informed the Committee that the Council was committed to The Apex, and it was offering a service to its residents, and the Council needed more time in reducing the subsidy, before considering handing over the management of the facility to an alternative service provider.

The Cabinet Member advised the Committee that the concerns raised by Members would be raised directly with The Apex Panel so that they were aware of them. 

There being no decision required, the Committee noted the 2015-2016 Annual Performance Report for The Apex. 


Councillor Nettleton wished it to be recorded that he did not note the contents of the report.



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