Agenda item

Referrals report of recommendations from Cabinet

Report No: COU/SE/16/006


Referrals from Cabinet: 29 March 2016



Western Way, Bury St Edmunds Masterplan (Revised)


Portfolio Holder: Cllr Alaric Pugh



Western Way, Bury St Edmunds Development Site, Phase II (PSV II)


Portfolio Holder: Cllr Alaric Pugh




Council considered the Referrals report of Recommendations from Cabinet and contained within Report No: COU/SE/16/006.


(A)    Referrals from Cabinet: 29 March 2016


1.       Western Way, Bury St Edmunds Masterplan (Revised)


Approval was sought for the adoption of the revised Western Way, Bury St Edmunds Masterplan.


Councillor Alaric Pugh, Portfolio Holder for Planning and Growth, drew relevant issues to the attention of Council, including that thorough consideration had been given to this item by the Sustainable Development Working Party and Cabinet, both of which were satisfied that the masterplan had been prepared in accordance with the Bury St Edmunds Vision 2031 Development Plan document and the Council’s Protocol for preparing masterplans.


A revised masterplan to the adopted 2006 version had been prepared taking account of the opportunities offered by the inclusion of the NHS/DHL distribution centre site. The opportunities now available exceeded what was originally required for the creation of a Public Service Village (PSV), so although the concept of a PSV remained, the masterplan had been retitled the Western Way Masterplan.


Unanimous support was shown for the revised masterplan and what was considered to be an exciting vision for this area of Bury St Edmunds. 


In response to comments and questions, Council was informed that:


(a)     the multi-decked car park was expected to be constructed in three phases.  As each phase approached, an assessment would be made to mitigate any potential impact to the amenity of residents of Newmarket Road.


(b)     Increased traffic generation was an inevitable element of  the delivery of new development; however, whilst the Highways Authority had indicated that improvements to road systems in this area would be a priority at the appropriate time, alternative means of transportation in this location would be positively encouraged to alleviate pressure on the road network.


(c)     It was anticipated that the first phase would commence in April 2018.




That the Masterplan for Western Way, as set out in Appendix A to Report No: SDW/SE/16/003, be adopted as non-statutory planning guidance.


2.       Western Way, Bury St Edmunds Development Site, Phase II (PSVII)


Approval was sought for the adoption of the revised Western Way, Bury St Edmunds Masterplan.


Councillor Alaric Pugh, Portfolio Holder for Planning and Growth, drew relevant issues to the attention of Council, including that the original Public Service Village concept (now to be known as Western Way Development site) was approved and adopted by the Council in 2006. West Suffolk House was built as part of Phase 1.


On 16 December 2014, Council had agreed to undertake initial work to formulate Phase II of the Public Service Village project.  Funding was approved for the appointment of consultants to:


(a)     assist with the review of the adopted Masterplan;

(b)     provide project management support; and

(c)     provide legal and property advice.


As part of this initial stage, the commercial considerations were examined to establish whether the proposals contained in the revised masterplan for this project were financially feasible.


The initial appraisal concluded that the most financially prudent option, if the project was progressed, was for the Council to effectively become the developer of the site.  This then presented a number of development options taking account of the interests being expressed and land ownership requirements.


The Development Options for the Council were analysed over a 30-year period, giving a net present value of net levels of deficit (D) and surplus (S) (owing to commercial sensitivities, the actual amounts for each option, the methodology and assumptions were detailed in Exempt Appendix 1 attached to the report).  Three of the options outlined below gave the Council a surplus:


1.   Do nothing – cost of maintaining the site (D)

2.   Simply sell the land for private development (S)

3a.          Develop and include DHL land  (S)

3b.          Develop and exclude DHL land (S)                          


The Borough Council had been clear from the outset, and particularly when agreeing the 2006 Masterplan, that the preferred option and ultimate aim for the site would be for a comprehensive development of the whole site including the DHL/NHS logistical building. The revised masterplan (see above) addressed this aim.


Council expressed enthusiasm for this project and agreed that based on the information received to date, Option 3a would best achieve the Council’s objectives. 




That the following be approved:


(1)     the proposals the Council should pursue are the options that deliver a comprehensive development of the site identified by the adopted revised Western Way, Bury St Edmunds Masterplan which includes the DHL/NHS distribution centre and the Council-owned land;


(2)     a budget of up to £100,000, to be funded from the Council’s strategic priorities and medium term financial strategy reserve, is allocated to progress the proposal that best achieves the Council’s objectives for the site to deliverability and design stage to enable a preferred option to be formulated and presented to Cabinet, as set out in Section 4 of Report No: CAB/SE/16/017; and


(3)     following the Cabinet consideration of the preferred proposal a report be prepared outlining Cabinet’s recommended development scheme for Council to give final approval for the delivery of phase II of the Western Way Development site.

Supporting documents: