Agenda item

Transport Links for Rural Villages in Forest Heath

Report No: OAS/FH/16/013


The Suffolk County Council Portfolio Holder for Roads and Transport (Councillor James Finch) has been invited to the meeting to discuss transport issues affecting Red Lodge.  This is a pre-enquiry meeting on the transport links for rural villages in Forest Heath.  Phil Magill, Passenger Transport Operations Manager will also be in attendance.




The Committee received Report No: OAS/FH/16/013, which reminded members that in January 2016, it resolved to include in its forward work programme a member suggestion on transport links for rural villages in Forest Heath.  The Committee had acknowledged that the District Council was not the responsible authority for transport and suggested before contacting various bus and rail operators that Suffolk County Council be invited to a future meeting of the Committee to listen to it’s concerns regarding transport issues in Red Lodge and to answer questions from the Committee. 


The Chairman welcomed to the meeting Mr Phill Magill (Passenger and Transport Operations Manager) from Suffolk County Council (SCC) who was in attendance to answer questions.  He advised that the Suffolk County Council Portfolio Holder for Roads and Transport (Councillor James Finch) had sent his apologises and was unable to attend due to personal matters.


Councillor Lance Stanbury, Portfolio Holder for Planning and Growth informed the Committee and Mr Magill that Red Lodge was an expanding area and transport (buses and trains) had not kept up with the development of the area.  He then asked questions on SCC’s transport policies and strategies; the need for synchronising the busses and trains to improve the economic development of the area; and what surveys SCC carried out to monitor the transport market.


In response, Mr Magill advised that SCC had a duty to assess the need for transport, but there was no duty to provide.  SCC held regular liaison meetings with various bus companies across and outside of Suffolk.  It was currently working towards a Quality Bus Partnership with certain standards set, such as better co-ordinated timings and multi-use tickets. 

SCC monitored transport provision and looked at the unmet need, which could be brought to the attention of transport providers at the liaison meetings.  However, bus timings were set by the schools and where the peak demand was.  In between these times, buses were expected to connect with other service providers.  He also explained the developer contributions from Section 106 monies and the percentage allocated towards pump priming transport provision.   


The Committee noted there was clearly dialogue taking place between SCC and the various buses providers.  However, there were still gaps, and questioned whether there was anything that SCC could do differently, or what processes could change.


In response Mr Magill stated that the bus companies dictated the services, but SCC could influence routes through “homes to schools” transport.  He further explained that Stephensons Buses was a key player in Suffolk.


The Committee asked a number of questions of Mr Magill, to which comprehensive responses were provided.  In particular, discussions were held on the changes in social needs; ticket machines and real-time information; connecting communities; public transport apps and the possibility of creating a website to enable users to discuss their public transport requirements.


The Cabinet Member questioned what influence the District Council could bring to bear, with SCC in understanding and improving rural transport.


The Committee considered the next steps and suggested inviting Stephensons Coach Company and Abellio Greater Anglia to a future meeting of the Committee.


With the vote being unanimous it was:






1)   The Overview and Scrutiny Committee works in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Planning and Growth in improving, were possible, transport links in Forest Heath; and


2)   The Overview and Scrutiny Committee invites Stephensons coach company and Abellio Greater Anglia to a future meeting of the Committee so as to gain a better understanding of the challenges faced by each service around public transport connectivity.

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