Agenda item

Local Plan Evidence Base Update - June 2016

Report No: LOP/FH/16/009


(Report No: LOP/FH/16/009)


The Planning Officer presented this report which summarised the remaining parts of the Local Plan evidence currently being commissioned/produced to support and feed into the final submission versions of the Core Strategy Single Issue Review and Site Allocations Local Plan.  These were:


-      West Suffolk Employment Land Review – this study would consider both employment demand and supply within West Suffolk.  This study was due for completion by the end of July 2016.


-      Retail Study – this study would assess the future need for retail and main town centre uses for Forest Heath and St Edmundsbury and would also identify suitable sites and opportunities to meet identified needs within each of the proposed town centre masterplan areas of Bury St Edmunds, Brandon, Mildenhall and Newmarket.  The study was due for completion in July 2016 (Forest Heath) and September 2016 (St Edmundsbury).


-      Whole Plan Viability Assessment – this would be a viability appraisal of the emerging Forest Heath Local Plan to test the policies/allocations against the likely ability of the market to deliver those.  It was anticipated for this work to be completed by the end of July 2016.


-      Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation and Needs Assessment (GTANA) – This Assessment would update the previous evidence to establish future need for site provision within West Suffolk.  This assessment was anticipated to be completed in July 2016.


The Officer also explained that in 2009, AECOM had undertaken a review of the transport impacts of the emerging proposals for the broad locations of housing provision as part of the development of the Forest Heath Core Strategy, adopted in 2010.  AECOM had been commissioned to revise this study, to assess the transport implications of the new and revised site options in the Single Issue Review and Site Allocations Local Plan.  This update had only considered infrastructure impacts, with the identification of mitigation and high level costings to be considered in the next phase of the work.  The scope of the traffic analysis also considered growth in East Cambridgeshire that would have an impact on the study area and included the growth anticipated within the Primary Villages in the nearest growth location.


The updated Study was attached as Working Paper 1 to Report No: LOP/FH/16/009 and the broad findings were:


-   Brandon – a significant reduction in the number of allocated dwellings was likely to remove the need for significant infrastructure to support growth.


-   Newmarket – reduction in the housing allocation had reduced the overall impact(s) that growth was likely to have, but as the allocation was still 680 dwellings, the conclusions of the original study remained valid (specifically improvements at the A14/A142 Fordham Road (Junction 37) and Clocktower junctions were likely to be required, especially when the growth in East Cambridgeshire was considered).


-   Mildenhall – Further detailed analysis of the highway network had been undertaken, which had identified some significant congestion issues at the following locations where mitigation would need to be considered:


·         Roundabout junction of the North Terrace/Kingsway/High Street

·         Priority junction of Queensway/High Street

·         Roundabout junction of Brandon Road, Bury Road and Kingsway

·         Roundabout junction  of Field Road and College Heath Road

·         Roundabout junction of Field Road and Hampstead Avenue


In addition, there was likely to be an impact at the A11 Fiveways junction as improvements delivered as part of the A11 duelling scheme may have changed the pattern of traffic flow at this location.


-   Lakenheath – the increase in housing allocation would create a potential need for further mitigation at the following locations:


·         B1112/Lord’s Walk/Earls Field four-arm roundabout.

·         B1112/Eriswell Road priority ‘T’-junction.


In addition, there was likely to be a requirement for mitigation at the A1065/B1112 junction.


-   Red Lodge – Improvements to the A11/B1085 junction, south of Red Lodge and the A11/B1085 Elms Road junction to the north should be investigated.


Whilst the Study had been commissioned last year, with the intention that it would be available as evidence to support the current consultation on the Local Plan, it had taken longer than anticipated for the work to be completed.  Whilst there was no formal requirement to consult on the evidence which underpinned the Local Plan, the National Planning Practice Guidance made it clear that it was good practice to make this evidence available as soon as possible to allow local communities and other interests to consider the issues and engage with the authority at an early stage in developing the Local Plan.


As the final version of the study had only been available in the week commencing 16 May 2016, a decision was made to extend the current Local Plan consultation period until 1 July 2016 (which was due to end on 8 June 2016).  This extension would allow consultees a full and fair opportunity to fully consider the outcomes of the study, alongside the other parts of the Local Plan evidence base.


Officers were also currently liaising with Suffolk County Council to ensure that the next phase of transport work to consider the mitigation and high level costings as a result of the identified impacts, was commissioned and completed as soon as possible (provisionally by the end of July 2016) in order that it could be fed into the final submission drafts of the Local Plan.


Members then discussed the content of the report and Working Paper 1.  The main concerns raised by Members was whether the Transport Study had factored all of the potential growth which would affect the District, particularly from the local authority areas which bordered on the District (ie developments within the East Cambridgeshire District Council area).  Officers explained that the Study had taken account of those sites which were allocated within the East Cambridgeshire District Council’s Local Plan.  However, it had not taken into account any ‘theoretical’ sites which may come forward at a later date (ie potential development within Kennett).  However, Officers were in regular discussions with East Cambridgeshire District Council to ensure that future impacts were identified.  The Principal Planning Officer also explained that the next stage of the Transport Study would address the required mitigation solutions and costings as a result of these wider development impacts.


The Head of Planning and Growth also took the opportunity to explain the high level strategic work which was also being undertaken, outside of the formal Local Plan process, to ensure that the wider impacts of growth, infrastructure and investment were also being identified.  It was requested for a briefing note to be circulated to the Working Group, which highlighted the work being undertaken, as outlined by the Head of Planning and Growth.


With the vote being unanimous, it was






1.           The progress made on the preparation of the evidence base to support the Local Plan, be noted.


2.           The outcomes and next steps in relation to the FHDC Transport Technical Note, as set out in Working Paper 1 to Report No: LOP/FH/16/009, be noted.


3.           A briefing note be prepared for the Local Plan Working Group which outlined the high level strategic work being undertaken, outside of the formal Local Plan process, to ensure that the wider impacts of growth, infrastructure and investment were also being identified, as outlined by the Head of Planning and Growth.

Supporting documents: