Agenda item

Planning Application DC/15/2120/FUL - Kininvie, Fordham Road, Newmarket (Report No: DEV/FH/16/016)

Report No: DEV/FH/16/016


Erection of retirement living housing for the elderly (29 No. units), part one-and-a-half / part two-and-a-half / part single storeys, including communal facilities, landscaping and car parking (demolition of existing buildings), as amended.


Planning Application DC/15/2120/FUL - Erection of retirement living housing for the elderly (29 No. units), part one-and-a-half / part two-and-a-half / part single storeys, including communal facilities, landscaping and car parking (demolition of existing buildings), as amended.


This application was deferred from consideration at the Development Control Committee meeting on 1 June 2016 as Members resolved that they were ‘minded to refuse’ planning permission, contrary to the Officer recommendation of approval, due to concerns that the proposal would result in unsatisfactory parking provision for the development and that the excessive scale of the building would be harmful to the character/street scene of the surrounding area.


Report No DEV/FH/16/016 included a risk assessment of the potential reasons for refusal together with technical notes and further documents submitted by the applicant (attached as Working Papers to the report).


A second Member site visit was held prior to the meeting.  Officers were continuing to recommend that the application be approved as set out in Paragraph H1 of the report, subject to an amendment (as read out to the meeting) to ensure provision of 3 car parking spaces for blue badge holders.


The Principal Planning Officer – Major Projects advised the Committee of the following updates since the agenda was published:

·         Three further letters of representation had been received from neighbours opposing the development citing issues which included; highway safety, drainage and loss of privacy; and

·         Two further letters of support had been received from individuals expressing a wish to purchase a property from the development and highlighting the current lack of retirement properties within Newmarket.


Councillor Ruth Bowman made reference to the condition within the report’s recommendation which concerned occupancy restriction.  She queried why the report stipulated over 55s only whereas some of the supporting documentation, which referred to other retirement developments, cited over 60s as being the restriction.  The Officer explained that this condition could be amended to over 60s should Members wish.


Councillor Peter Ridgwell spoke at length on this item, he advised the Committee that he worked at a retirement complex in Brandon which he stated had vastly inadequate car parking provision for residents, meaning visiting carers were left with no option but to park on the roadside.


Whilst not wishing to make any direct comparisons, as Members were to consider each application before them on its own merits, the Officer explained that the ratio of parking spaces per residential unit in the proposed scheme was far higher than that of the development Councillor Ridgwell made reference to.  The Officer also explained that there was designated storage for cycles and mobility scooters as part of the development.


Councillor David Bowman proposed that the application be approved as per the Officer recommendation, inclusive of the amendments in respect of the 3 disabled parking spaces and the alteration of the age restriction to 60 (from 55).  This was duly seconded by Councillor Simon Cole.


Councillor Carol Lynch requested that a recorded vote be taken for this item and this was unanimously supported by the Committee.


Accordingly, with the motion being put to the vote Members voted as follows:


Name of Member




Chris Barker




David Bowman




Ruth Bowman




Rona Burt




Simon Cole




Brian Harvey




Carol Lynch



Victor Lukaniuk




Peter Ridgwell








Whereupon the Chairman declared the motion carried and it was resolved that:


Following receipt of satisfactory amended plans illustrating at least 25 car parking spaces, with 3 of those being of appropriate specification for use by blue badge holders (all provided to the specifications set out in the Suffolk Advisory Parking Standards) planning permission be GRANTED subject to:


1.   The prior satisfactory completion of a S106 agreement to secure:

        Off-site affordable housing, precise amount to be agreed following conclusions of viability assessment (minimum contribution of £265,620)


2.   Conditions, including:

        Time limit

        Samples of materials

        Details of finishes (colours to be applied to detailing)

        As recommended by SCC Floods Team

        As recommended by the Local Highway Authority

        Implementation of recommendations of the ecology and bat reports


        Protection of retained trees and shrubs during construction

        Construction Management Plan

        Timing of the provision of obscure glazing (prior to first occupation and retention thereafter) as illustrated on the plans.

        Lighting strategy and scheme.

        Water use efficiency.

        Waste minimisation and re-cycling strategy (including demolition of Kininvie).

        Further details of the proposed electricity sub-station.

        Occupancy restriction (over 60's only + any dependents)


In the event of failure to agree a precise level of affordable housing contribution for inclusion within a S106 Agreement (on viability, or other grounds) the planning application be returned to the Development Control Committee for further consideration.


Speakers:    Mrs Jill Rogers (resident) spoke against the application.

                   Mr Chris Styles (architect) spoke in support of the                                        application.


Councillor Roger Dicker left the meeting at 7.42pm during the preliminary discussion of this item and prior to the voting thereon.

Supporting documents: