Committee details


Purpose of committee

West Suffolk Council comprises 64 district councillors who have been elected to represent the 43 wards in the district.  You can find out who your district councillor is on the Councillors pages. It is made up as follows:


Composition of Council

Conservative Group




West Suffolk Progressive Alliance Grouping







(Correct as at 23 May 2023)


All councillors (members) meet together as the Council.  The Council is chaired by the Chair and neither the Chair nor the Vice-Chair has any Cabinet responsibilities.  Meetings of the Council are normally open to the public.  There are certain things the law says only the full Council can decide.  Other matters are decided by the Cabinet (or its individual portfolio holders) or by committees.


Note relating to Council meeting procedures: Under the Council Procedure Rules contained in Part 4 of the Constitution, members may submit ‘motions on notice’ for consideration at Council meetings. These must be received by the Monitoring Officer no later than midday ten working days before the day of the meeting and will be made available for public inspection on request from this date. Any ‘motions on notice’ due to be considered will also be published on the website with the relevant Council agenda, which is usually one week prior to the meeting.


Contact information

Support officer: Claire Skoyles: Democratic Services Officer. Email: