Issue - decisions

Discretionary Business Rate Relief Scheme

28/06/2017 - Discretionary Rate Relief Following Revaluation – Development of a Local Scheme 2017/2018




(1)     the principles of the proposed Discretionary Rate Relief Scheme 2017/2018 (following revaluation) and the guidelines as set out in Report No: CAB/SE/17/037 and its appendices, be approved; and


(2)     delegated authority be given to the Assistant Director (Resources and Performance), in consultation with the Portfolio Holders for Planning and Growth, and for Resources and Performance to agree the scheme guidance for 2018/2019 onwards, in line with the funding available and any feedback from businesses from the 2017/2018 scheme.


(Section 14.4 of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Procedure Rules of the Constitution states that:


‘A decision will be urgent if any delay likely to be caused by the call-in process would seriously prejudice the Council’s or public interest.’


This decision is considered to be urgent and in accordance with the aforementioned rules, the Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee has both agreed that the decision proposed is reasonable in all the circumstances and to it being treated as a matter of urgency, and therefore should be exempt from call-in.  This matter will be reported to the next available meeting of Council, together with the reasons for the urgency.)