Issue - decisions

Overarching Strategy for Facilitating Growth and Investment

15/02/2018 - Overarching West Suffolk Growth Investment Strategy, Governance and Delegation

RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL: (21 February 2018)



1.           The Overarching West Suffolk Growth Investment Strategy, as attached at Appendix A to Report No: CAB/FH/18/014, be approved.


2.           Subject to the safeguards set out within Report No: CAB/FH/18/014, as detailed in Table 1 at paragraph 6.4, decisions on expenditure  made from the previously approved capital and revenue Growth Investment Fund, be agreed as follows:


(a)         in accordance with Section 1.3 (b) of the Cabinet Procedure Rules contained within Part 4 of the Constitution which allows the Leader to amend the delegations to individual Cabinet Members, the relevant Portfolio Holder and Leader, in consultation with the statutory officers, be authorised to make decisions of up to £0.5m expenditure;


(b)         Cabinet be authorised to make decisions of up to £2m expenditure.


(c)     Council shall make decisions where the expenditure is anticipated to exceed £2m.


3.           The Monitoring Officer shall make the necessary amendments to the Cabinet’s scheme of delegation in accordance with her existing delegation, and be authorised to make other amendments to the Constitution as a consequence of 2. above.