Issue - decisions

The Guildhall Project

16/11/2017 - Guildhall and 79 Whiting Street, Bury St Edmunds




(1)    subject to the support of the Guildhall Feoffment Trust, and to fulfil the objectives of the 2013 Memorandum of Understanding (as reviewed in 2016), it be agreed that the Council applies to the Charity Commission seeking an amendment to Clause 4 of the scheme of 1894 in respect of the managing trustee role for the Guildhall and 79 Whiting Street, Bury St Edmunds. The said amendment if granted would allow, after the Guildhall reopens as an exhibition and heritage centre in 2018, a complete transfer of management responsibility for the two buildings and associated land to the Bury St Edmunds Heritage Trust Limited which has consented to and supports the application; and


(2)    a separate partnership agreement be prepared and signed with the Bury St Edmunds Heritage Trust, and any other applicable partners, in relation to the future management of the paintings in the Guildhall, Bury St Edmunds after the new exhibition and heritage centre opens.