Issue - decisions

Fairer Funding Review Consultation Response

28/02/2018 - Fair Funding Review - Response to Government Consultation




(1)     the Fair Funding Review consultation response attached as Appendix A to Report No: CAB/SE/18/015, be submitted to the Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) by 12 March 2018, subject to the incorporation of or greater emphasis placed upon, as appropriate, the following additional comments (briefly – final wording to be determined by the Assistant Director (Resources and Performance) under delegated authority):


(a)     the sustainability of rural communities and their rural economies to be taken into account;


(b)     to look at the areas where the Councils are required by the Government to provide services compared to the grant which is actually provided, ie in addition to the Internal Drainage Boards (IDB) reference; and


 (2)    proposals for wider influencing associated with local government finance, including the Leaders lobbying MPs, be agreed.