Issue - decisions

Single Council Implementation - Harmonisation of Approach to Play Area Inspections

08/08/2018 - Single Council Implementation - Harmonisation of Approach to Play Area Inspections

The  Forest Heath DC and St Edmundbury BC Portfolio Holders for Leisure and Culture (also Shadow Executive (Cabinet) Members with the responsibility for Leisure and Culture) have each made the following decision:


(1)     the proposed interim arrangement for a free play area inspection service for the financial years 2019/20 and 2020/21, as outlined in paragraph 1.3 of Report No: EXC/SA/18/007, be approved; and


(2)     as part of the 2019/20 budget setting process, the budget for play inspections be increased by £6,500 to take account of the increased costs and reduced income, as in paragraph 1.4 of Report No: EXC/SA/18/007, be agreed.