Issue - decisions

Appointment of External Auditors for West Suffolk Council

20/09/2018 - Recommendations of the Forest Heath and St Edmundsbury Performance and Audit Scrutiny Committees: 25 July 2018: Arrangements for Appointment of External Auditors for the West Suffolk Council and West Suffolk Shadow Authority



West Suffolk Council


(1)     Option 3, to ‘opt-in’ to the sector led body (Public Sector Audit Appointments Limited) for the independent appointment of the Council’s External Auditor, beginning with responsibilities for the financial year 2019-2020, as set out in Report Nos: PAS/SE/18/025 and PAS/FH/18/024, be approved. 


West Suffolk Shadow Authority


(2)     Agreement be given for the External Audit of the West Suffolk Shadow Authority Accounts to be prepared under the Smaller Authority audit procedures, as set out in Attachment A of Report No: EXC/SA/18/009; and


(3)     approval be given for the S151 Officer to write to the Smaller Authorities' Audit Appointments (SAAA) informing them that the West Suffolk Shadow Authority would like to be treated as ‘opted in’ to the smaller authorities scheme and as such the auditor would be PKF Littlejohn (the appointees for Suffolk).