Issue - decisions

Abbeycroft Leisure COVID-19 Loan Facility

23/07/2020 - Abbeycroft Leisure COVID-19 Loan Facility




1.       the business case to create a £1,000,000 loan facility for Abbeycroft Leisure, funded from the Investing in our Growth Agenda Fund, be agreed, as set out in section 5 of Report No: CAB/WS/20/051;


2.       delegated authority be given to the Council’s Section 151 Officer, in consultation with the Portfolio Holders for Resources and Performance, and Leisure, Culture and Community Hubs, and the Director, to agree the final details of the loan and enter into a loan agreement(s) with Abbeycroft Leisure; and 


3.       it be agreed for the Council’s Section 151 Officer to make the necessary changes to the Council’s prudential indicators as a result of recommendation 2. above.