Issue - decisions

Newmarket Cumulative Impact Assessment: decision sought to consult

01/12/2020 - Newmarket Cumulative Impact Assessment: decision sought to consult

Updated Addendum: As stated in the PDF version of the Decisions Notice, the following decision was due to come into operation on Monday 9 November 2020. At the time of publication of the updated Decisions Notice on Friday 6 November 2020, no call-ins had been submitted. With the agreement of the Portfolio Holder for Regulatory, it was necessary to pause the implementation of the decision due to the impact the second Coronavirus lockdown specifically had on affected businesses, which had either needed to close or engage in a different business model. The decision to consult on the Cumulative Impact Assessment for Newmarket will therefore be undertaken at a later date in accordance with the revised timeline provided in the addendum to the briefing note (Paper number: CAB/WS/20/065). The decision has now been re-published and is subject to a further period of call-in before implementation.


Further update – 8 January 2021: As England is currently in a third period of national lockdown, the implementation of this decision has been further delayed for the reasons given above. The broad decision to consult still stands, however, consultation will now commence in accordance with a further revised timeline later in 2021. Sufficient time must however, be allowed for consultation responses to be taken into account and for the CIA to be presented to Cabinet for approval before the existing CIA expires in December 2021.




That consultation be undertaken on the Cumulative Impact Assessment (CIA) for Newmarket in accordance with the revised timeline provided in the addendum to the briefing note and consultation plan attached to the Notice of Intention (Paper No: CAB/WS/20/065). The present CIA is shown on the map within with the briefing note. Following consultation and taking responses received into account, the CIA is expected to be presented to Cabinet for approval in April or May June or July 2021.