Issue - decisions

Acquisition of Property for Temporary Accommodation

21/09/2023 - Acquisition of Property for Temporary Accommodation




1.       the purchase of the freehold interest of one unit of temporary accommodation to be funded through


a.       the Local Authority Housing Fund Two and

b.       Government grant, discount or relief schemes, any other options for external funding and the Investing in Growth Fund, be approved.


2.       A capital budget of up to £320,000 (three hundred and twenty thousand pounds) be established funded as per funding streams set out in (1) above, to be made available to facilitate the purchase of one unit of temporary accommodation including fees, survey and valuation costs, and any required works to bring the property up to standard.


3.       It be acknowledged that in line with recommendations (1) and (2) above, officers will proceed in line with the Council’s agreed Scheme of Delegation.


4.       It be agreed for the Council’s Section 151 Officer to make the necessary changes to the Council’s prudential indicators as a result of recommendation (2).