Issue - decisions

Investing in our Commercial Portfolio

07/12/2023 - Investing in our asset portfolio - Provincial House




1.       The project objectives as set in the strategic case for Provincial House, Haverhill, be endorsed.


2.       Up to £2 million of capital budget, funded by the Investing in Growth Fund, in line with this business case to progress the remodelling and refurbishment of Provincial House to enable both public sector and commercial lettings, be approved.


3.       The revenue risks be noted, including any project expenditure that is unable to be capitalised, will be covered by the Capital Financing Reserve.


4.       It be acknowledged that in line with recommendations (2), (3) and (4) above, officers will proceed in line with the Council’s agreed Scheme of Delegation.


5.       It be agreed for the Council’s Section 151 Officer to make the necessary changes to the Council’s prudential indicators as a result of recommendation (3).