Issue - decisions

Amended scheme of polling districts and polling places for Moreton Hall and Haverhill West wards

30/01/2024 - Amended scheme of polling districts and polling places for Moreton Hall and Haverhill West wards

At its meeting on 19 December 2023 West Suffolk Council approved the amended scheme of polling districts and polling places, as set out at Appendix A to Report number: COU/WS/23/023. They also authorised the Chief Executive, to amend the scheme of polling districts and polling places for Moreton Hall Ward and Haverhill West Ward following completion of the necessary assessments, as detailed in the Report number: COU/WS/23/023 and in consultation with relevant ward members.


In accordance with the delegation, the Chief Executive has taken the decision to approve the amended scheme of polling places with the changes set out in the attached Officer Decision Record.