Issue - decisions

Eastern Relief Road (ERR), Bury St Edmunds

12/02/2015 - Suffolk Business Park Land Assembly



(1)     the principle of using the Council’s compulsory purchase powers (CPO) under section 226(1)(a) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990 (as amended) to acquire such estates and interest in the land as may be necessary to facilitate the development of the Eastern Relief Road and Suffolk Business Park in accordance with the local development plan, as detailed in Section 2 of Report No: CAB/SE/15/006, be approved; and

(2)     the Head of Planning and Growth be authorised to continue to explore options with the landowners which would resolve the matter without the need for the Council to invoke its compulsory purchase powers.  In the event of negotiations proving unsuccessful, a further report will be brought to a future Cabinet meeting to seek a recommendation to Council for use of CPO powers in accordance with recommendation 1 above.