Issue - decisions

West Suffolk Shop Front and Advertisement Design Guide

12/02/2015 - Recommendations from the Sustainable Development Working Party: 28 January 2015

(a)    Erskine Lodge, Gt Whelnetham Development Brief



That the Development Brief for Erskine Lodge, Great Whelnetham in its current form, as contained in Appendix A to Report SDW/SE/15/002, be NOT adopted; and


(b)    West Suffolk Shop Front and Advertisement Design Guide




(1)     the West Suffolk Shop Front and Advertisement Design Guide with suggested amendments, as contained in Appendix A to Report SDW/SE/15/003 be adopted as a Supplementary Planning Document subject to it being noted in the Glossary on page 28 in respect of the second item ‘Building of Local Interest’, reference to ‘Birmingham’ be deleted and ‘the areas’ inserted therefor; and


(2)     the Head of Planning and Growth be given delegated authority to edit/insert appropriate images as part of the final document publishing process.