Issue - decisions

Community Chest Grant Funding (2) (2016/2017)

09/12/2015 - Recommendations from the Grant Working Party: 16 November 2015 - Consideration of Community Chest Funding 2016/2017




(1)     the allocation of Community Chest funding for 2016/2017, as detailed in Report No: GWP/SE/15/004, be approved, namely:


(a)     Hopton Day Care Centre:


(b)     Bury St Edmunds Volunteer Centre:





(2)     Subject to the provision of a presentation on the work of the organisation prior to consideration of an allocation of funding for 2017/2018 and beyond, Community Chest funding for Suffolk West Citizens Advice Bureau of £182,500 for 2016/2017, be approved;


 (3)    subject to the budget setting process for 2017/2018, and subject to the satisfactory submission of evidence-based reports detailing the benefits and success of each individual project in 2016/2017, the allocation of Community Chest funding for 2016/2017 and 2017/2018, be approved, namely:






(a)     The Voluntary Network (Befriending Connect Service):




(b)     The Voluntary Network (Community Car Service):




(c)     Relate Norfolk and Suffolk




(d)     REACH Community Projects




(e)     Gatehouse Caring in East Anglia




(f)      HomeStart  




















(4)     Due to not being considered to be appropriate for Community Chest funding but with the intention of signposting to alternative funding sources available, Community Chest funding for 2016/2017 not be awarded to:


(a)     Coffee Caravan;               

(b)     Eastgate Amateur Boxing Club;              

(c)     Rojo Art Projects;                      

(d)     St Edmundsbury Sailing and Canoeing Association; and

(e)     Suffolk Mind.


(5)     No Community Chest funding for 2016/2017 be awarded to:


(a)     YMCA Suffolk;               

(b)     Young People of the Year - Befriending;              

(c)     Fresh Start – New Beginnings; and                   

(d)     Suffolk Young People’s Health Project (4YP).


(6)     No allocation of Community Chest funding for 2018/2019 be approved at this present time.


Decisions emanating from Addendum to Report No: CAB/SE/15/081:



(a)     an allocation of £9,000 Community Chest funding to Mentis Tree for 2016/2017, be approved;


(b)     no Community Chest funding for 2016/2017 be awarded to Sue Ryder; and


(c)     following further discussions with the Families and Communities Team, a revised application from Suffolk Rape Crisis be submitted to the Grant Working Party for consideration in January 2016 with a view to making a recommendation to Cabinet on 9 February 2016.