Issue - decisions

Provision of Additional Artificial Pitch Capacity in Haverhill

11/02/2016 - Third Generation Artificial Pitch Provision in Haverhill

RECOMMENDED TO COUNCIL (23 February 2016):



(1)     the bridging loan request received from Haverhill Community Sports Association for up to £300,000 to enable it to progress the building of a third generation (3g) football pitch facility at the New Croft site in Chalkstone Way, Haverhill be approved; and


(2)     the Head of Operations, in consultation with the Services Manager (Legal), be authorised to prepare the necessary legal agreements to support the issue of the loan, in accordance with the terms set out in Report No: CAB/SE/16/007, subject to:


(a)     the Haverhill Community Sports Association confirming acceptance of the loan agreement conditions; and


(b)     receipt of a unilateral undertaking from the developer of the North East Haverhill Vision 2031 growth site that they will pay the Council £300,000 as a voluntary contribution towards the scheme (and repayment of the loan), in lieu of making their own equivalent provision within their proposed development.