
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.

Decisions recommendations approved (subject to call-in)

23/07/2024 - West Suffolk Environment and Climate Change Update Report: 2024 ref: 898    For Determination

The Cabinet will be asked to review and approve the Environment and Climate Change Action Plan. Consideration has previously been given by the Environment and Sustainability Reference Group regarding potential new opportunities for inclusion in the draft plan. 

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/07/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 25/07/2024

Effective from: 02/08/2024




1.       The commitment to addressing the Climate and Environment Emergency and, in particular, to reaching net zero by 2030 in respect of Council operations, be confirmed.


2.       The review, and implementation, of the action plan as set out in sections 2 and 3 of Report number CAB/WS/24/038, together with the draft plan at Appendix A, be approved.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Jill Korwin

23/07/2024 - Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering Centre Project ref: 894    For Determination

The Cabinet will be asked to consider and give approval to restart the Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering Centre Project in Bury St Edmunds and fund the next gateway of the project from income received from the retained business rates derived from Suffolk Park Enterprise Zone.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/07/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 25/07/2024

Effective from: 02/08/2024





1.       The current position and deliverability challenges of the Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering (AME) project as set out in section 2 of Report number: CAB/WS/24/034, be noted.


2.       Taking into account the risks set out in section 5 of Report number: CAB/WS/24/034, it be agreed for the AME project to progress to the next Gateway (Gateway 4), utilising up to £450,000 from accumulated funding generated from Pot B Enterprise Zone receipts.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Julie Baird, Andrea Mayley

23/07/2024 - Market Development Plan 2024 ref: 895    For Determination

The Cabinet will be asked to adopt a markets development plan and support an investment of £300,000 over three years to deliver this. This item will previously have been considered by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee. 

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/07/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 25/07/2024

Effective from: 02/08/2024




That the Market Development Plan, as contained in Appendix A to Report number: CAB/WS/24/035, be adopted, and £290,000 from the Strategic Priorities and MTFS Reserve, and £10,000 from UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF) be allocated over three years to implement the measures.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Julie Baird

23/07/2024 - Gambling Policy Statement update ref: 899    Recommendations Approved

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/07/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 25/07/2024

Effective from: 02/08/2024




That, the undertaking of statutory consultation to renew the West Suffolk Gambling Act Statement of Policy and West Suffolk Local Area Profile, as set out in sections 2 and 4 of Report number: CAB/WS/24/039, be approved.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

23/07/2024 - Acquisition of property for use as temporary accommodation ref: 896    For Determination

12 July 2024

Issue of General Exception Notice

When this item was published in the Decisions Plan on 21 June 2024, the Plan showed the amount of funding that was available allowing the purchase of only one unit of temporary accommodation.  However, the available amount of funding streams has now increased allowing the purchase of up to five units of temporary accommodation.


Therefore, an amendment is required to be made to the description contained under the heading ‘Subject and purpose of decision’.  This amendment is shown below using strikethrough and emboldened text to highlight the change:


Acquisition of Property for Temporary Accommodation (21 June 2024)

The Cabinet will be asked to make a decision on establishing a capital budget of up to £321,000 £887,750 utilising available funding streams, for the purchase of one five units of temporary accommodation within the district.

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/07/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 25/07/2024

Effective from: 02/08/2024





1.       the freehold interest of up to five units of temporary accommodation be purchased, the cost to be funded through:

a.       the Local Authority Housing Fund Three; and

b.       government grant, discount or relief schemes, any other options for external funding, with the balance from and/or the Investing in Growth Fund as set out in Section 2.6 of Report number: CAB/WS/24/036;


2.       a capital budget of up to £887,750 (eight hundred and eighty seven thousand seven hundred and fifty pounds) be established for this purpose, to be funded as per the funding streams set out in (1) above, and be made available to facilitate the purchase of up to five units of temporary accommodation including fees, survey and valuation costs;


3.       it be noted that, in line with recommendations (1) and (2) above, officers will proceed on this matter in accordance with the Council’s existing Scheme of Delegation; and


4.       the Council’s Section 151 Officer be authorised to make the necessary changes to the Council’s prudential indicators as a result of recommendation (2) above.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Jill Korwin, Rachael Mann

23/07/2024 - Draft West Suffolk Annual Report 2023 to 2024 ref: 897    For Determination

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Made at meeting: 23/07/2024 - Cabinet

Decision published: 25/07/2024

Effective from: 02/08/2024




That, subject to the inclusion of the amendments recommended by the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, as set out in the addendum to Report number: CAB/WS/22/037, the draft West Suffolk Annual Report 2023 to 2024 attached to Report number: CAB/WS/24/037, be approved.

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Lead officer: Ian Gallin