Issue details

Enterprise Zone: Infrastructure Investment

The Cabinet will be asked to make a decision under previously given delegated authority, on providing a £4m loan to developers to enable progression of the Enterprise Zone at Suffolk Business Park, Bury St Edmunds. Provision of the loan would be subject to the criteria set out in the Council’s loans policy and due diligence measures.


As development at Suffolk Business Park, is rapidly progressing, this matter cannot reasonably be deferred as further delay will impact on the timeframe for delivering the necessary infrastructure required, in order to enable the wider benefits achieved through the support of business growth to be realised.


Given the timeframe that is being worked to resolve this matter, it has not been possible to provide for 28 days notice of the decision.  Under the Access to Information Procedure Rules of the Council’s Constitution, paragraph 16.1 relates to a Key Decision (which this is) and the consideration of matters in private, requires that where the normal procedure cannot be followed, the Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee is to be informed as to why the taking of the decision cannot be reasonably deferred.  This has been undertaken accordingly.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: SE - Expenditure, Income or Savings > £100,000;

Decision status: For Determination

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 17/03/2017

General exception notice

This item is subject to the General Exception procedure. It is proposed to take a key decision and/or consider an item in private session on the decision date shown below. It would be impracticable to defer the decision until it has been included on the next Decisions Plan. This notice has been issued by the Assistant Director (HR, Legal and Democratic Services). Appropriate discussions have been held with the Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee and agreement sought for the intended decision to be made by the expected date, where necessary.

Reason for urgency:
The Cabinet will be asked to make a decision under previously given delegated authority, on providing a £4m loan to developers to enable progression of the Enterprise Zone at Suffolk Business Park, Bury St Edmunds. Provision of the loan would be subject to the criteria set out in the Council’s loans policy and due diligence measures.
As development at Suffolk Business Park, is rapidly progressing, this matter cannot reasonably be deferred as further delay will impact on the timeframe for delivering the necessary infrastructure required, in order to enable the wider benefits achieved through the support of business growth to be realised.
Given the timeframe that is being worked to resolve this matter, it has not been possible to provide for 28 days notice of the decision. The Chairman of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee has been informed as to why the taking of the decision cannot be reasonably deferred.

Exempt information notice

It is anticipated that this report will contain information which is exempt from publication and during discussion of this information the public may be excluded from the meeting. View the reasons for the exemption

Representations on exempt information

If you wish to make representations that the public should not be excluded from the meeting during discussion of this item please write to the Service Manager (Democratic Services) stating the reasons why you think the discussion should be held in public

Decision due: 28 Mar 2017 by St Edmundsbury Cabinet

Lead member: Councillor Alaric Pugh

Contact: Andrea Mayley, Service Manager (Development and Growth) 01284 757343.

Type of Decision: (KD)

Documents to be submitted: Report to Cabinet with possible exempt appendix.


Agenda items