Issue details

Submission of Statutory Consultation Response: Sunnica Energy Farm

At its meeting on 10 November 2020, Cabinet delegated “The Assistant Director (Planning and Regulatory Services) in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Regulatory, be authorised to make amendments to the draft consultation response, prior to its submission to Sunnica Ltd”


Please refer to the Cabinet papers and associated minutes from 10 November for more information.


On 17 December 2020, the Assistant Director (Planning and Regulatory Services) determined the final response from West Suffolk Council and submitted this to Sunnica. Attached is:


a)   The Decision Notice issued by the Assistant Director

b)   The covering letter as sent to Sunnica

c)   The West Suffolk Council response to the Consultation

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Implemented

Notice of proposed decision first published: 17/12/2020

Decision due: 17 Dec 2020 by Assistant Director (Planning and Regulatory)
Reason: In advance of submission deadline

Lead member: Councillor Andy Drummond

Lead director: David Collinson

Contact: Julie Barrow.
