Issue details

Use of Chief Executive urgency powers: acquisition of property

The Chief Executive has exercised his urgency powers and made a decision to enable at public auction, to bid for and acquire, if successful, the freehold interest of a parcel of land and property within the district.


The attached exempt Officer Decision Record and documentation provides the specific detail of the decision made. The decision has been made in consultation with the Leader of the Council; Portfolio Holder for Resources; relevant ward members; Group Leaders; Scrutiny Chairs; the Monitoring Officer and Section 151 Officer.


Update: 12 July 2024

The exemption previously applied to this Officer Decision Record has been removed and therefore its contents are now accessible in the public domain.  

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Implemented

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 12/07/2024

Decision due: 12 Jun 2024 by Chief Executive

