Issue details

Developing a Community Energy Plan

The Cabinet will be asked to recommend to full Council, the approval of business cases for investing in a programme of renewable energy schemes.  The business cases explore opportunities for generating income whilst aiming to reduce local energy costs and increase community energy generation.

Decision type: Non-key

Decision status: Deleted

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Notice of proposed decision first published: 04/11/2014

Exempt information notice

It is anticipated that this report will contain information which is exempt from publication and during discussion of this information the public may be excluded from the meeting. View the reasons for the exemption

Representations on exempt information

If you wish to make representations that the public should not be excluded from the meeting during discussion of this item please write to the Service Manager (Democratic Services) stating the reasons why you think the discussion should be held in public

Type of Decision: Paragraph 3

Documents to be submitted: Recommendations of the Sustainable Development Working Party to Cabinet and Council.


Agenda items
