Agenda, decisions and minutes

Informal Joint, St Edmundsbury Cabinet - Tuesday 19 July 2016 6.00 pm

Venue: Conference Chamber West, West Suffolk House, Western Way, Bury St Edmunds IP33 3YU

Contact: Claire Skoyles: Email: 

No. Item


Informal Joint Cabinet



Notes of informal discussions of the SEBC/FHDC Cabinets held on

Tuesday 19 July 2016 at 6.00 pm in the Conference Chamber West, West Suffolk House,  Western Way, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 3YU







St Edmundsbury Borough Council (SEBC)


John Griffiths (in the Chair for the informal discussions)



Robert Everitt

Ian Houlder

Sara Mildmay-White


Peter Stevens

Joanna Rayner




In attendance:

Susan Glossop



Forest Heath District Council (FHDC)



David Bowman

Robin Millar


Andy Drummond

Lance Stanbury


Stephen Edwards





In attendance:

Simon Cole



Victor Lukaniuk



Prior to the formal meeting, informal discussions took place on the following two substantive items:


(1)     West Suffolk: Promoting Physical Activity

(2)     Review of the Terms of Reference of the Joint Member Development Group


All Members of Forest Heath District Council’s Cabinet had been invited to attend St Edmundsbury Borough Council’s Offices to enable joint informal discussions on the reports to take place between the two authorities, prior to seeking formal approval at their respective separate Cabinet meetings, immediately following the informal discussions.


The Leader of St Edmundsbury Borough Council welcomed all those present to West Suffolk House and the Interim Service Manager (Legal and Democratic Services) advised on the format of the proceedings for the informal discussions and subsequent separate meetings of each authority.


Under their Constitutions, both Cabinets listed as standing agenda items: an ‘Open Forum’ which provided the opportunity for non-Cabinet Members to discuss issues with Cabinet and also ‘Public Participation’, which provided the opportunity for Members of the public to speak.  Therefore, as any matters arising from the discussions held during these agenda items may have some bearing on the decisions taken during the separate formal meetings, non-Cabinet Members and members of the public were invited to put their questions/statements prior to the start of the joint informal discussions.


1.       Open Forum


          No non-Cabinet Members in attendance wished to speak under this item in relation to Items 4. and 5. of the agenda.


2.       Public Participation


          There were no members of the public in attendance who wished to speak under this item in relation to Items 4. and 5. of the agenda.


3.       West Suffolk: Promoting Physical Activity (Report Nos: CAB/SE/16/033 and CAB/FH/16/029)


          The Cabinets were presented with this report which set out a framework to enable and encourage people to lead active lives and increase activity levels across West Suffolk.  This would lead to the development of area plans which would help identify gaps and prioritise actions in line with the Councils’ and its partners, priorities to increase opportunities for people to take part in physical activity. This framework would build on the work undertaken by 4Global, to help shape West Suffolk into a place that would achieve the aim to increase physical activity, therefore, improving the health and wellbeing of its residents.


          Within this framework there was also the intention to develop an Open Space, Sport and Recreation Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) for West Suffolk as a whole.  This would also informed how the local area was shaped to support both Councils’ aims to enable and encourage people to lead more active lives.


          Councillors Joanna Rayner (SEBC) and Andy Drummond (FHDC), Portfolio Holders for Leisure and Culture, also drew relevant issues to the attention of both Cabinets.


          Councillor Robin Millar (FHDC) referred to Appendix A and, in particular, to the column entitled ‘Children with excess weight (Year 6)’ and queried the figure in relation to the ‘All Saints Ward, Newmarket’ of ‘28.8%’, as to whether this figure this should actually be classified as ‘Green’ as the figure was ‘Better than Suffolk’ which was ‘30.5%’.  The Portfolio Holders acknowledged this query and confirmed that this would be clarified accordingly.


4.       Review of the Terms of Reference of the Joint Member Development Group (Report Nos: CAB/SE/16/034 and CAB/FH/16/030)


          The Cabinets were presented with this report which was requesting the Joint Member Development Group (JMDG) review their Terms of Reference (and to make any necessary amendments) to reflect the evolving role of Members, as Leaders, in the current and future challenging and changing times.


          The report explained that the JMDG had provided a programme developed, in part, from a training needs analysis completed annually, that aimed to equip and develop members for their roles.  This had been recognised as being successful and effective at the time of the joint award of the Charter for Elected Member Development in September 2014.  However, given that this was two years ago, there must not be complacency and the Councils should continue to aspire improvement in the work undertaken.


          Councillors Stephen Edwards (FHDC) and Ian Houlder (SEBC), Portfolio Holders for Resources and Performance, also drew relevant issues to the attention of both Cabinets.


On the conclusion of the informal joint discussions at 6.15 pm, the Chairman then formally opened the meeting of St Edmundsbury Borough Council’s Cabinet at 6.16 pm in the Conference Chamber West.     


Apologies for Absence


Apologies for absence were received from Councillor Alaric Pugh.


Open Forum

(This item will be undertaken at the beginning of the informal discussions, to allow Members to consider the issues raised by the non-Cabinet members)


This item had already been considered during the informal discussions in relation to Items 4. and 5. on the agenda (Item 1. above within the notes of the informal discussions refers).


Public Participation

(This item will be undertaken at the beginning of the informal discussions, to allow Members to consider the issues raised by the members of the public)


This item had already been considered during the above informal discussions in relation to Items 4. and 5. on the agenda (Item 2. above within the notes of the informal discussions refers).



West Suffolk: Promoting Physical Activity pdf icon PDF 231 KB

Report No:   CAB/SE/16/033

Portfolio Holder: Joanna Rayner      Lead Officer: Jill Korwin


(For reference purposes, Forest Heath District Council’s Report Number is CAB/FH/16/029)

Additional documents:




That the West Suffolk: Promoting Physical Activity Framework, as set out in Appendix A to Report No CAB/SE/16/033, be approved.




(Report No: CAB/SE/16/033)


Further to the joint informal discussions held prior to the meeting with Forest Heath District Council’s Cabinet on Report No: CAB/SE/16/033, it was proposed, seconded and




That the West Suffolk: Promoting Physical Activity Framework, as set out in Appendix A to Report No: CAB/SE/16/033 be approved (with clarification on whether the figure for ‘Children with excess weight (Year 6)’  in relation to the ‘All Saints Ward, Newmarket’ of ‘28.8%’, should be classified as ‘Green’ ).




Review of the Terms of Reference of the Joint Member Development Group pdf icon PDF 235 KB

Report No:   CAB/SE/16/034

Portfolio Holder: Ian HoulderLead Officer: Karen Points


(For reference purposes, Forest Heath District Council’s Report Number is CAB/FH/16/030)

Additional documents:




That the Joint Member Development Group reviews their Terms of Reference and programme to reflect the evolving role of members as Leaders in challenging and changing times, based on the structure outlined in Report No CAB/SE/16/034.


(Report No: CAB/SE/16/034)


Further to the joint informal discussions held prior to the meeting with Forest Heath District Council’s Cabinet on Report No: CAB/SE/16/034, it was proposed, seconded and




That the Joint Member Development Group reviews their Terms of Reference and programme to reflect the evolving role of members as Leaders in challenging and changing times, based on the structure outlined in Report No: CAB/SE/16/034.