
Council - Tuesday 16 July 2024 7.00 pm

Venue: Conference Chamber, West Suffolk House, Western Way, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 3YU

Contact: Claire Skoyles: Democratic Services Officer  Email:

Note: This previously 'reserved' meeting date will be utilised following the decision to move the Council meeting previously scheduled for 11 June 2024. The link to view the livestream broadcast of the meeting is shown in 'Media' below. Please ensure the device in which you wish to view the broadcast allows access to YouTube. The livestream will commence from 7pm on Tuesday 16 July 2024. 


No. Item

West Suffolk Council logoPublic information




Conference Chamber, West Suffolk House, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 3YU

Contact information

Telephone: 01284 757176




Access to agenda and reports before the meeting

The agenda and reports will be available to view at least five clear days before the meeting on our website.


It is intended that the meeting will be livestreamed. The link to join the livestream broadcast will be made available on the Council’s website prior to the meeting.


Attendance at meetings

This meeting is being held in person in order to comply with the Local Government Act 1972. We may be required to restrict the number of members of the public able to attend in accordance with the room capacity. If you consider it is necessary for you to attend, please inform Democratic Services in advance of the meeting.


As a local authority, we have a corporate and social responsibility for the safety of our staff, our councillors and visiting members of the public. We therefore request that you exercise personal responsibility and do not attend the meeting if you feel at all unwell.


West Suffolk Council continues to promote good hygiene practices with hand sanitiser and wipes being available in the meeting room. Attendees are also able to wear face coverings, should they wish to.


Public participation

Members of the public who live or work in the district may put questions or make statements on items on the agenda to members of the Cabinet or any committee. A total of 30 minutes will be set aside for this with each person limited to asking one question of making one statement within a maximum time allocation of five minutes (subject to the Chair’s discretion). 30 minutes will also be set aside for questions at extraordinary meetings of the Council, but must be limited to the business to be transacted at that meeting.


The Constitution allows that a person who wishes to speak must register no later than midday on the Friday before the meeting is scheduled to take place.


This can be done online by sending the request together with their statement or question in full and confirmation of their address or workplace to

or telephoning 01284 757176 / 01638 719363.


See section 6.8 of the Council Procedure Rules of the Constitution regarding the scope of questions/statements that may be asked/made.



If you have any difficulties in accessing the meeting, the agenda and accompanying reports, including for reasons of a disability or a protected characteristic, please contact Democratic Services at the earliest opportunity using the contact details provided above in order that we may assist you.


Recording of meetings

The Council may record this meeting and permits members of the public and media to record or broadcast it as well (when the media and public are not lawfully excluded).


Any member of the public who attends a meeting and objects to being filmed should advise the Committee Administrator who will instruct that they are not included in the filming.


Personal information

Any personal information processed by West Suffolk Council arising from a request to speak at a public meeting under the Localism Act 2011, will be protected in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018.  For more information on how we do this and your rights in regards to your personal information and how to access it, visit our website: or call Customer Services: 01284 763233 and ask to speak to the Information Governance Officer.





Procedural matters



Minutes pdf icon PDF 134 KB

To confirm the minutes of the meetings held on 26 March 2024 and 14 May 2024 (Annual Meeting of Council) (copies attached).


Additional documents:


Chair's announcements pdf icon PDF 392 KB

To receive announcements (if any) from the Chair.


A list of civic events/engagements attended by the Chair and Vice-Chair since their election on 14 May 2024 are attached.


Apologies for absence

To receive announcements (if any) from the officer advising the Chair (including apologies for absence).



Declarations of interests

Members are reminded of their responsibility to declare any disclosable pecuniary interest, other registerable or non-registrable interest which they have in any item of business on the agenda, no later than when that item is reached and, when appropriate, to leave the meeting prior to discussion and voting on the item.

Part 1 – public



Public participation

Council Procedure Rules Section 6. Members of the public who live or work in the district may put questions or make statements on items on the agenda to members of the Cabinet or any committee.


(Note: The maximum time to be set aside for this item is 30 minutes, but if all questions/statements are dealt with sooner, or if there are no questions/statements, the Council will proceed to the next business.)


Each person may ask one question or make one statement only. A total of five minutes will be allowed for the question to be put and answered or the statement made. The Chair may use their discretion to extend or reduce the time allowed if they feel it appropriate. If a question is raised, one supplementary question will be allowed provided that it arises directly from the reply and the overall time limit of five minutes is not exceeded (subject to the Chair’s discretion).


The member to whom the question is directed may refer it to another member or may choose to give a written response. If a statement is made, then the Chair may allow the Leader of the Council, or other member to whom they refer the matter, a right of reply.


The Constitution allows that a person who wishes to speak must register by no later than midday on Friday 12 July 2024. This can be done online by sending the request together with their statement or question in full and confirmation of their address or workplace to or telephoning 01284 757176 / 01638 719363.


See section 6.8 of the Council Procedure Rules of the Constitution regarding the scope of questions/statements that may be asked/made.


Leader's statement pdf icon PDF 320 KB

Paper number: COU/WS/24/009


Council Procedure Rules 8.1 to 8.3. The Leader will submit a report (the Leader’s Statement) summarising important developments and activities since the preceding meeting of the Council.


The Leader will introduce the statement and members may ask the Leader questions:


a.       On the Leader’s statement

b.       On any Council matter


A total of 30 minutes will be allowed for all questions and responses. There will be a limit of five minutes for each question to be asked and answered. A supplementary question arising from the reply may be asked so long as the five minute limit is not exceeded.


The Chair may use their discretion to extend or reduce the time allowed if they feel it appropriate.


Referrals report of recommendations from Cabinet pdf icon PDF 116 KB

Report number: COU/WS/24/010


A.      Referrals from Cabinet: 21 May 2024


There are no referrals emanating from the meeting of Cabinet held on 21 May 2024.


B.      Referrals from Cabinet: 9 July 2024


This referral has been compiled before the decision has been taken by the Cabinet and is based on the recommendation contained within the report listed below.  Any amendments made by the Cabinet to the recommendation within the report will be notified to members in advance of the meeting accordingly.


1.       Local Code of Corporate Governance


Portfolio holder: Councillor Diane Hind


Additional note: This Council agenda has been published prior to the Cabinet meeting being convened on 9 July 2024. It has been proposed by the Leader of the Council, that on 9 July 2024, Cabinet will be recommended to agree the referral of the matters listed at items 8. to 10. below, without debate, to Council, as set out in Report number: CAB/WS/24/028.


Housing Related Support (HRS) pdf icon PDF 216 KB

Report number: COU/WS/24/011


Bury St Edmunds Leisure Centre Maintenance and Refurbishment Project: Business Case pdf icon PDF 143 KB

Report number: COU/WS/24/012

Additional documents:


Olding Road, Bury St Edmunds: Options Appraisal pdf icon PDF 230 KB

Report number: COU/WS/24/013

Additional documents:


Annual Scrutiny Report 2023 to 2024 pdf icon PDF 465 KB

Paragraph 7.5.1 of Article 7 of the Council’s Constitution requires that:


 ‘The Overview and Scrutiny Committee and the Performance and Audit Scrutiny Committee must report annually to the Council on their workings and make recommendations for future work programmes and amended working methods if appropriate’.


Report number: COU/WS/24/014


West Suffolk Council Constitution: proposed amendments pdf icon PDF 209 KB

Report number: COU/WS/24/015

Additional documents:


Use of Chief Executive urgency powers: issuing of Section 91 Notice

Under Part 3, Section 5, Scheme of Delegation to Officers, paragraph 14 of the Council’s Constitution, it states:


‘Where, in the opinion of the Chief Executive, by reason of limitation of time or urgency, a decision is required on any matter, after such consultation as they consider necessary (or as is required by the Council’s Budget and Policy Framework Procedure Rules in Part 4 of the Constitution), they shall have power to make a decision provided that any such decision shall be reported to the next meeting of the Cabinet, appropriate Committee or Council…..’


On 15 and 22 April 2024, the Chief Executive exercised his urgency powers and made decisions to temporarily appoint Councillors David Taylor and Roger Dicker respectively to Tuddenham Parish Council to enable business to be transacted in accordance with section 91 of the Local Government Act 1972. Before doing so, consultation was undertaken with the Clerk to Tuddenham Parish Council and Councillors David Taylor and Roger Dicker.

The urgent decisions were made because following the resignation of a councillor, Tuddenham Parish Council was inquorate and therefore unable to transact any business to include the appointment of co-opted members to the Parish Council.


For further details, see Officer Decision Records published here and here




In accordance with the Constitution, Council is requested to note the use of the Chief Executive’s urgency powers in respect of making the decisions outlined above.


Motions on notice pdf icon PDF 86 KB

The following motions on notice have been submitted for consideration by Council:


1.       Debate not Hate (paper number: COU/WS/24/016)

2.       Introduction of family friendly schemes to support elected members     (paper number: COU/WS/24/017)


Paragraphs 9.6 to 9.11 of the Council Procedure Rules states:


Each member may put one motion on notice at each Council meeting.  A maximum of three motions may be considered at each Council meeting unless the Chair agrees, by virtue of special urgency, that additional motions may be considered. Any motions that cannot be considered at the meeting will be deferred for consideration at a future meeting of Council.


The motion on notice can be moved and seconded at the meeting by any member.  If the motion on notice is not moved, it will be treated as withdrawn and may not be moved without another notice in accordance with these rules.  A motion may be withdrawn at any time by the proposer of the motion.


Once the motion has been moved and seconded, the Chair will invite members to debate the motion.  Only five members, in addition to the proposer and seconder, may speak to the motion.  Each member may speak only once, for a maximum of three minutes on the motion.  The proposer has the right of reply at the conclusion of the debate for three minutes.


The Chair has the discretion to extend the time allowed and/or the number of speakers to discuss the motion, to allow for the proposer (with the agreement of the seconder) to amend the motion, or to allow for the proposer to respond to questions or points of clarification on the motion.


At the conclusion of the debate, the motion shall be put to a vote and determined by a simple majority of those present and voting.


Where an agreed motion on notice refers a matter to a committee for consideration, then a report shall be presented in due course to the Council on how the motion on notice was considered by that committee and any consequential outcomes as a result.’

Additional documents:


Any other urgent business

To consider any business, which by reason of special circumstances, should in the opinion of the Chair be considered at the meeting as a matter of urgency.


Exclusion of press and public

To consider whether the press and public should be excluded during the consideration of the following item because it is likely, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, that if members of the public were present during the item, there would be disclosure to them of exempt categories of information as prescribed in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, and indicated against each item and, in all circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.

Part 2 – exempt


Exempt appendix: Bury St Edmunds Leisure Centre Maintenance and Refurbishment Project: Business Case (paragraph 3)

Exempt Appendix 3 (Independent Feasibility Report) contained within Appendix A (Business Case) to Report number: COU/WS/24/012


Written responses to questions raised at the meeting pdf icon PDF 280 KB