
Annual Council, Council - Tuesday 14 May 2024 7.00 pm

Venue: Conference Chamber, West Suffolk House, Western Way, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 3YU

Contact: Claire Skoyles: Democratic Services Officer  Email:

Note: The link to view the livestream broadcast of the meeting is shown in 'Media' below. Please ensure the device in which you wish to view the broadcast allows access to YouTube. The livestream will commence from 7pm on Tuesday 14 May 2024. 


No. Item

West Suffolk Council logoPublic information




Conference Chamber, West Suffolk House, Bury St Edmunds, IP33 3YU

Contact information

Telephone: 01284 757176




Access to agenda and reports before the meeting

The agenda and reports will be available to view at least five clear days before the meeting on our website.


It is intended that the meeting will be livestreamed. The link to join the livestream broadcast will be made available on the Council’s website prior to the meeting.


Attendance at meetings

This meeting is being held in person in order to comply with the Local Government Act 1972. We may be required to restrict the number of members of the public able to attend in accordance with the room capacity. If you consider it is necessary for you to attend, please inform Democratic Services in advance of the meeting.


As a local authority, we have a corporate and social responsibility for the safety of our staff, our councillors and visiting members of the public. We therefore request that you exercise personal responsibility and do not attend the meeting if you feel at all unwell.


West Suffolk Council continues to promote good hygiene practices with hand sanitiser and wipes being available in the meeting room. Attendees are also able to wear face coverings, should they wish to.


Public participation

There is no provision for public participation during the Annual Meeting of Council.



If you have any difficulties in accessing the meeting, the agenda and accompanying reports, including for reasons of a disability or a protected characteristic, please contact Democratic Services at the earliest opportunity using the contact details provided above in order that we may assist you.


Recording of meetings

The Council may record this meeting and permits members of the public and media to record or broadcast it as well (when the media and public are not lawfully excluded).


Any member of the public who attends a meeting and objects to being filmed should advise the Committee Administrator who will instruct that they are not included in the filming.

Personal information

Any personal information processed by West Suffolk Council arising from a request to speak at a public meeting under the Localism Act 2011, will be protected in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018.  For more information on how we do this and your rights in regards to your personal information and how to access it, visit our website: or call Customer Services: 01284 763233 and ask to speak to the Information Governance Officer.





Procedural matters


Part 1 – public



Election of Chair of the Council for 2024 to 2025

The outgoing Chair will call for nominations for the election of Chair for the ensuing year.


Following the seeking of other nominations, a vote will be taken on the nomination of the Chair.


The incoming Chair will sign their Declaration of Acceptance of Office, in the presence of the Monitoring Officer.


Chair's announcements

To receive announcements (if any) from the Chair.


Apologies for absence

To receive announcements (if any) from the officer advising the Chair (including apologies for absence).



Election of Vice Chair of the Council for 2024 to 2025

The Chair will call for nominations for the election of Vice Chair of the Council for the ensuing year.


Following the seeking of other nominations, a vote will be taken of the nomination of Vice Chair.


The incoming Vice Chair will sign their Declaration of Acceptance of Office, in the presence of the Monitoring Officer.


Appointment of Cabinet members

Having regard to the provisions of the Constitution, and if practicable, the Chair will invite the Leader of the Council to announce the composition and constitution of the Cabinet for the ensuing year, and the names of the councillors chosen to be members of the Cabinet.


Review of political balance and appointment to committees 2024 to 2025 (Report number: AGM/WS/24/001) pdf icon PDF 135 KB

Report number: AGM/WS/24/001

Additional documents:


Appointment of Chair and Vice Chair of scrutiny committees 2024 to 2025

In accordance with the Constitution, the Council will appoint the Chair and Vice Chair of the:


a.       Overview and Scrutiny Committee

b.       Performance and Audit Scrutiny Committee


Proposed remuneration for co-opted, non-elected, non-voting independent members of the Performance and Audit Scrutiny Committee (Re[port number: AGM/WS/24/002) pdf icon PDF 195 KB

Report number: AGM/WS/24/002


Suffolk Police and Crime Panel

At its meeting on 26 January 2024 the Suffolk Police and Crime Panel recommended to the Suffolk Public Sector Leaders Group that a requirement be added at Section 5 b) of its Panel Arrangements that independent co-opted members of the Panel must live or work in Suffolk.


Suffolk authorities have subsequently been asked to approve this proposed amendment.




It is recommended that the proposed amendment to the Panel Arrangements for the Suffolk Police and Crime Panel to reflect that independent co-opted members of the Panel must live or work in Suffolk, be approved.