Agenda item

Recommendations from St Edmundsbury and Forest Heath Overview and Scrutiny Committees: 9 and 10 January 2019: Customer Access Strategy 2019-2022 (Report No: EXC/SA/19/008)

Report No: EXC/SA/19/008

Shadow Executive (Cabinet) Members: Robert Everitt and Robin Millar

Lead Officers: Davina Howes and Lisa Grove





That the Customer Access Strategy 2019-2022, as contained in Appendix A to Report Nos OAS/SE/19/003 and OAS/FH/19/002, be approved.


The Shadow Executive (Cabinet) considered the above report, which sought approval for a revised Customer Access Strategy 209-2022. Subject to approval, the Strategy would come into effect from 1 April 2019 following the creation of West Suffolk Council.


The West Suffolk Councils adopted the Target Operating Model (TOM) (as provided in paragraph 1.2 of the report) for Customer Services in 2014, marking a fundamental change to the delivery of the Customer Services function across both Forest Heath District and St Edmundsbury Borough Councils.  The motivation at the time of the implementation was to reflect the ambition to move to a single council in structure terms and to acknowledge the requirements associated with the public sector digital transformation agenda.


The general focus at the time of the implementation was to understand which of the Councils’ services could be drawn into the TOM and how best to deliver those against the backdrop of efficiency improvements aimed at releasing financial savings associated with the changes (£125,579 per annum). These financial savings were achieved.


In April 2018, a review of the initial strategy objectives was conducted.  The Shadow Executive (Cabinet) noted the headline issues emanating from the post-implementation review, together with the outcome of the review of the achievement of the project objectives, as detailed in Sections 1.3 and 1.4 of the report.


Councillor Robert Everitt, one of the Shadow Executive (Cabinet) Members with the responsibility for Families and Communities, drew relevant issues to the attention of the Shadow Executive, including that the review had identified that generally speaking, face-to-face contact had diminished considerably over the recorded period, with a general decline in the number of calls being made to the Customer Services team. Website use, having initially increased in the period between March 2016 - July 2017, was now settling into a more consistent level of attracting between 30,000-40,000 web users per month (having peaked at almost 50,000 in March 2017).


The work carried out to review the 2015-2018 Customer Access Strategy had considered technology as a key element of the future provision of customer access for West Suffolk Council customers. In producing the 2019-2022 Strategy, which had been attached as Appendix A to Report No: OAS/SE/19/003 and OAS/FH/19/002, a focus had been placed on ensuring that the approach was flexible enough to deliver against the ambition and any emerging priorities of the new Council.


Alongside the strategy document, staff had reviewed the existing Service Standards document and also updated the existing Complaints Policy which now also included a section on the management of vexatious and persistent complainants. An action plan also accompanied the Strategy, which set out the specific activities associated with the document.


Both Overview and Scrutiny Committees had scrutinised the report and asked a number of questions to which officers had duly responded.  In particular, discussions  had been held on the excellent percentage rate of 98% of the 479 persons that had responded to a survey had been satisfied with the customer service they had received (as reported on a quarterly basis to the Performance and Audit Scrutiny Committees); the navigation of the website;  the establishment of the new West Suffolk Council’s Twitter Feed; and ensuring the Council continued to liaise with other public services to ensure that work to digitise services did not result in customers contacting other service providers about Council activities and services.  


Whilst recognising and reinforcing that face-to-face contact must be maintained for those in need or who could not access digital services, the Committees had considered the new Strategy satisfactorily addressed the issues of improving the customer experience and using new technology to make things easier and better for all. The Strategy demonstrated an understanding about demand and expectation as well as appreciating how technology could be used to integrate services within the Council and their partners. 


The Shadow Executive (Cabinet) supported the comments and recommendation of the Overview and Scrutiny Committees accordingly.


As part of this item, as it had been raised during the same meeting of St Edmundsbury’s Overview and Scrutiny Committee where the Customer Access Strategy had been considered, a minor amendment had been made to the recommendations emanating from the Forest Heath and St Edmundsbury Overview and Scrutiny Committees’ previous consideration of its appointed Task and Finish Group’s final report on the Review of Bury St Edmunds Christmas Fayre. However, these recommendations had already been approved by the Shadow Executive (Cabinet) and therefore, for clarity and transparency, the minor amendment was required to be reported.


The minor amendment, which was shown in paragraph 3.4 of the report, had not materially affected the substance of the decision of the Shadow Executive (Cabinet), and was duly noted accordingly.





That the Customer Access Strategy 2019-2022, as contained in Appendix A to Report Nos OAS/SE/19/003 and OAS/FH/19/002, be approved.

Supporting documents: